Thousands of people from coast to coast credit Dr. Christopher Asandra for putting them on the path to better health and improved quality of life as they age. One of the world’s leading hormone experts, Beverly Hills-based vitality expert Dr. Asandra founded AsandraMD, the NuMale Medical Center and NuFemme Rejuvenation Clinic with the aim of helping patients live life to the fullest.
“We’re fortunate enough to live in a time where advancements in medicine have made aging a choice. I wake up every morning motivated to help people realize their body’s full potential, whether that’s at 35, 60 or 80. There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing my patients discover a new lease on life, simply by optimizing the body they already have,” Dr. Asandra says. A revered anti-aging physician, Dr. Asandra serves as Chief Medical Officer of AsandraMD, where he and his team are committed to their patients’ well-being. Here, he provides insight into his practice and what makes AsandraMD unique.
Q. What services does AsandraMD specialize in?
A. AsandraMD specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. We also focus on erectile dysfunction, symptoms of menopause and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapies for skin, hair and joint rejuvenation.
Q. What are the signs that hormone replacement therapy may be necessary?
A. Signs can vary from person to person as optimum hormone levels can vary among individuals. Common signs are usually fatigue, poor sleep, weight gain, the inability to build muscle, low libido, brain fog, irritability, depression and bothersome hot flashes and night sweats for women.
Q. What are the benefits of BHRT?
A. The benefits of BHRT are wide-ranging. Initially people are amazed at the overall sense of well-being they have. They feel as though a cloud has been lifted, they can think clearly, are motivated and have the energy they once did in their younger years. Hard work at the gym that wasn’t paying off before will finally begin to show results, as you’ll lose fat and gain lean muscle. Sleep improves, libido returns and women are finally relieved of those hot flashes and night sweats.
Q. Are there any risks or side effects of BHRT?
A. As with all medical procedures, an extensive review of your medical history will be performed. Caution is used with patients who have a history of thyroid problems and cancer. Unlike synthetic hormone replacement, BHRT is plant-based. This means we match your hormones molecule for molecule, resulting in a safer and more effective treatment.
Q. What can a patient expect during their first visit?
A. Nothing is done without first obtaining results from a simple blood-draw. Our office will coordinate the most convenient and fastest way to ensure all of that is taken care of prior to your initial consultation. During the consultation, an in-depth review of your thyroid, testosterone, estrogen and various other levels will allow us to best determine what treatment plan is right for you.
Q. What makes AsandraMD unique?
A. What makes AsandraMD unique is YOU. Our approach to medicine is understanding that each and every patient we see is unique, with their own unique problems, which means only a specific and tailored course of treatment must be administered. Balancing hormones is a very delicate process, and in order to do it effectively, we have to understand what balanced looks like for you.
AsandraMD is located at 150 N Robertson Blvd Suite #250, in Beverly Hills. For more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Asandra, call 424.542.8881 or visit