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Dr. Mark Fisher

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Ask The Westport Plastic Surgery Experts

Doctors Flora Levin and Mark Fisher answer some of the most common questions they get about plastic surgery.

FAQ #1: There are many non-surgical options. Why consider surgery?

Mark Fisher: Non-surgical options are great, but non-surgical options cannot solve surgical problems. Fillers fill, but don’t lift. Botox relaxes wrinkles, but does not remove them. Plastic surgeons are able to offer both surgical and non-surgical options, so we can guide patients to the solution that best resolves their concerns. 

Flora Levin: Nobody needs cosmetic surgery, but non-surgical procedures will only take you so far. Unfortunately, when it comes to eyes, many issues are surgical and cannot be addressed by tightening skin with a laser or adding filler. 

FAQ #2: What is the most understated plastic surgery procedure that has a large impact?

FL: In my field, it’s ptosis correction. Ptosis is a droopy eyelid that's not from hanging skin and makes eyes appear smaller and sleepy. This is often overlooked. Correction makes the eyes look more open and energetic. Ptosis repair is often combined with excess skin removal (blepharoplasty).

MF: Genioplasty, or chin surgery. The chin plays a large role in facial balance and can have a huge impact on the results of a rhinoplasty or facelift. 

FAQ #3: Is there a cosmetic procedure or product that you would caution people about?

MF: Avoid permanent filler. Threads rarely last more than a few months and leave scarring under the skin. Lastly, any procedure is only as good as the person performing it. Make sure you trust them.

FL: Lash growth serums have a potential side effect of periocular fat atrophy. This can lead to hollow/sunken eye appearance with prolonged use. I recommend taking a break for two or three months after three months of using them. 

FindDr. Mark Fisher at 1391 Post Road E or, and Dr. Flora Levin at 1391 Post Road E or