Born and raised in the PNW, Sarah Adler, is a best-selling cookbook author, nutritionist, lifestyle expert, mother of two, and founder of Simply Real Health. For the last 10 years she has made it her mission to bring simplicity back to our daily food, our daily lives and to our headspaces. Which is very very opposite of how we are taught about food in our modern-day culture. “I love encouraging people to forget about all the noise– the fads and trends that come and go, and to instead, learn about the beauty of simple, real food. And the calming, life-giving effect it has on the rest of our lives,” says Adler.
When Sarah became a mother, she started trying to figure out how to feed her baby and discovered there was nothing out there that combined her desire of serving real food and that encouraged a wide palate of healthy foods. Not to mention finding something that kept it simple during postpartum and a busy schedule. That’s where the Simply Real Health Baby Food Files were born: taking the same principles Sarah teaches about real food, and applying them to our babies & kids.
“In the Baby Food Files, I walk you through every single month from 4-5 months up to 18 months and explain what to focus on, easy no-prep foods to feed them, and then recipes to try for each month and stage. It takes the overwhelm out of it, and gives you a step-by-step guide to follow to create real-food lovers!” says Adler.
For the complete Baby Food Files go to, and in the meantime check out one of Sarah’s kid friendly recipes on the following page.
This is a great make-ahead breakfast or snack recipe full of great protein, fat and fiber. It is best after 24 hours in the fridge, so the chia seeds have time to expand and firm up. Feel free to add chopped kiwis, bananas or quartered blueberries or halved raspberries (mixed in or on top).
• 1 16-ounce can regular coconut milk
• 10 teaspoons chia seeds
Combine all ingredients in a glass mason jar, or multiple smaller jars with lids. Stir briskly or shake well to combine. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours before eating.