After weeks of holiday fun, getting back into school mode can be tricky. But don’t worry—getting your kids back on track after the holiday break is easier than you think! Academic Oasis in Ormond Beach has the tools to help your children start the new year with confidence and enthusiasm. Here’s how to make the transition smooth and fun with four simple strategies.
Routine Reboot: Rev Up for Routine
The holidays bring late nights and lazy mornings, but it’s time to ease back into a school-friendly routine. Start by adjusting bedtime and wake-up times gradually—15 minutes earlier each night will do the trick. On the night before school, make a game out of setting out backpacks and laying out school clothes together. This small, family-oriented ritual will help your child feel excited and ready for the school day.
At Academic Oasis, creating a structured and positive environment helps students feel confident. Reinforce this at home by getting back into a predictable routine. "Having a visible schedule at home, and reviewing it every morning will help prepare students to get back on track with in school schedules," says owner and Principal of Academic Oasis Jaclyn Veloce."Your kids will appreciate the rhythm when school starts again."
Motivation Magic: Spark the School Spirit
After all the fun of the holidays, it can be hard to get kids excited about school. To get them motivated, create a “back-to-school vision board” with pictures of their favorite subjects and goals for the year. Display it somewhere they’ll see it every day.
Take the excitement further by connecting school lessons to real-world experiences. Going to the Daytona Aquarium to learn about animals and conservation can make their studies feel like an adventure. At Academic Oasis, making learning engaging and hands-on is a priority, and bringing that same enthusiasm home will help them look forward to the year ahead. Lead teacher Hope Blanken suggests "Don't stop reading over break." "Continuing habits from school over break, whether holiday or summer, will help students.' Picking subjects that relate to family field trips will help kids to stay engaged and make them excited to get back to school learning.
Confidence Kickstart: Cultivate Confidence
It’s natural for kids to feel a little nervous about returning to school, but building their confidence is key. Try a daily affirmation routine where they repeat phrases like, “I am a great learner!” or “I am ready for the new school year!” Make it fun by turning it into a little morning ritual.
Also, discuss their goals and what they’re excited about—whether it’s a new class or reconnecting with friends. The more kids feel confident, the easier the return to school will be.
Start Strong, Stay Strong
The new year is a fresh start, and with a few fun strategies, your kids will jump back into school with ease. By rebooting their routine, sparking motivation, boosting confidence, and fueling their bodies, you’ll set them up for a successful year. At Academic Oasis, we’re here to help your child thrive in both academics and life, making the new year a time for growth and excitement.
"Having a visible schedule at home, and reviewing it every morning will help prepare students to get back on track with in school schedules."