If you’re reading this right now you might think this was about sending your kids back to school, which was both a happy and sad time for me when my kids were younger. Back to school meant schedules and less time together. I really enjoyed that free-flowing time together during the summer.
In this case, “going back to school” involves my high school reunion and seeing the friends and people I might not have really connected with years ago. In some ways, I’m excited to check in and connect, but in others, I question, if we haven’t kept in touch this whole time, why now? Well, just recently, my high school peers and I lost a friend to that ugly thing called cancer; when we all showed up at her funeral, it felt like a reunion. I loved that there wasn’t that judging thing going on, even though we were all interested in who still looked amazing, who was still married and how each other’s lives had turned out.
If you’ve attended your reunions or stayed in touch with school friends, you know there are some amazing memories—even just your friends remembering your parents or your family home, and funny situations that happened when you were younger. This is the part I’m looking forward to enjoying. Maybe our lives took us in different directions, but there is still that common bond of shared times. I love that we’ve made memories together. I know even for my kids who have made lots of friends, as they get older, they still see them, attend weddings and associate with them for business. We even keep our connections to some of our teachers.
Think of school as a time to learn, while remembering the world is really small and that your paths will likely cross again throughout the years. Continue to keep making memories; sometimes the best part of life is looking back and recalling shared times with someone. I think they call it walking down memory lane.
Listen to the Kim Pagano Show Saturdays from 7-8 a.m. on 1590 KVTA, visit KimPaganoShow.com or tune in to her podcast at iTunes/The Kim Pagano Show for inspiration.