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Bear Necessities

Daniel Papp and Michael Collier fostering a mission to bless and improve the lives of our community

Nestled in the heart of Arizona's rugged beauty, Grizzly Windows and Doors emerges not just as a conduit for change, but for community aid. It’s a narrative woven by the ambitions and commitments of two remarkable men: Daniel Papp and Michael Collier. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:21

Daniel Papp, the founder of Grizzly, brings a tale of resilience that traces back to an escape from Soviet Hungary and a life symbolized by two cherished stuffed bears, Curly and Grumpy. These childhood companions have come to represent the company’s strength and endurance. Daniel’s journey from a fledgling service industry worker to a master craftsman is etched in every window frame and door panel installed by Grizzly. His vision for the company transcends the mere installation of windows; it's about building relationships, ensuring employee well-being, and fostering a workplace that is as much about personal growth as it is about professional skill. His narrative is one of gratitude and fulfillment, as he sees Grizzly not just as a business but as a mission to bless and improve the lives of everyone they touch.

Michael Collier, director of AIM for Christ, adds a crucial dimension to Grizzly’s story. His commitment to helping Native American communities has led to a significant partnership with Grizzly. Michael’s efforts to combat the dire conditions on the San Carlos Apache Reservation, from poverty to inadequate housing, have been supported by Grizzly's entire workforce. This collaboration has extended Grizzly's reach beyond commercial transactions to become a beacon of hope and support for those in need.

Living on the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona brings unique challenges, from economic hardships to inadequate housing and limited access to resources. The partnership between Grizzly Windows and Doors and AIM for Christ is a lifeline for many in the San Carlos community, providing not just employment opportunities but also vital support in addressing these challenges. Through their collaboration, they are not just installing windows and doors but also opening doors to a better quality of life for individuals and families.

The Grizzly story is woven deeply into Gilbert’s own story where the water needs of the Town of Gilbert intertwine with the lives of the San Carlos Apache community. The town of Gilbert approved a $31.2 million water lease with the San Carlos Apache Tribe. The lease will give Gilbert access to nearly 6,000 acre-feet of water annually, which is the equivalent of enough water for 12,000 to 15,000 households a year. This partnership, which Michael Collier stumbled upon in his municipal duties, has allowed Grizzly to contribute to a reciprocal relationship of support and growth, amplifying the town's acts of #GilbertKindness.

Grizzly Windows and Doors is not just about the technicalities of installation but about weaving the fabric of community support, resilience, and quality into every aspect of their work. Daniel and Michael are the craftsmen of this mission, ensuring that every frame installed by Grizzly is not only a barrier against the elements but a gateway to a better quality of life for individuals and communities alike.

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