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Becoming Financially Well

Start Off 2023 With Financial Goals

January is a great time for people to assess their financials to maximize savings, ensure a solid start to the new year, and stay on track to accomplish overall goals. Making informed financial decisions saves time, money and stress.

Natalie Kime, WealthWave marketing director/agent, helps protect the wealth of individuals and families. She works with those just getting out of college to those reaching close to retirement and anyone in-between. She says she helps clients with every aspect of their financial plan from starting a basic budget, having proper protection, reducing debt, retirement savings and leaving a legacy for their loved ones.

“I pride myself in meeting clients where they are at today, understanding their financial goals and dreams, and helping them build a path to get them there,” says Natalie. “My favorite part of what I do is helping others with their finances for free. Changing people’s lives as I change my own is the most rewarding work.”

The first step to being financially well, begins with a thorough financial education. This is where Natalie and WealthWave, a financial education company, can help. Natalie says she believes if people know what is available to them and how it works, they can confidently create financial freedom for themselves.

Unlike other financial advisers, Natalie says she doesn't have a required financial minimum to work with her and there is no consultation fee or any fee to use her services. She first meets with a client one-on-one to get to know them and understand their financial goals and uses the financial concepts taught by WealthWave to make them financially literate.

Once a good financial education is in place, Natalie says she looks for opportunities to grow her client’s financial plan to meet their goals. The second step to being financially well is establishing a budget to assist with finances and eliminate debt. After establishing a budget, then it is filling in the other ‘holes in a client’s financial boat’ to ensure goals can be met for immediate needs through retirement.

“The ability to feel confident financially is priceless,” says Natalie “Creating good habits, saving for emergencies and retirement allow a person to breath more freely, especially in uncertain economic times like we're facing today.”

Natalie works with more than 150 different companies, allowing her to shop the marketplace and create a financial plan that is tailor-made to each client’s needs. Because every client is different, regardless of the situation, she says she can find the best fit, best rate and best coverage to help meet a client’s goals. She works closely with her clients for the long term.

“I always tell clients that it’s not about where you are now that matters, it’s about where you want to be,” says Natalie. “Together we can forge a path to get you to your dreams. I’m not here to tell you what to do, I’m here to educate and show you options to reach your goals so that you can confidently make decisions.”

Natalie believes people knowing that they are covered for emergencies, on track for retirement and anything else in-between is the most freeing feeling.

In the current economic climate, Natalie says it's important to set goals to protect oneself financially. She recommends the following steps:

1. Become financially literate.
2. Make sure you have a budget in place. Update it as needed and hold yourself accountable for sticking to the budget.
3. Create an emergency fund as well as a debt reduction plan. These can both be done at the same time with good habits. In a dual-income family keep three to six months of accessible savings. In a single-income family keep six to 12 months of accessible savings.
4. Make sure your family is properly protected. Put plans into place to make sure if you or a spouse were to pass away that your family would be able to maintain the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. In addition, these plans can make life insurance funds accessible for use if you or your spouse are diagnosed with a critical, chronic or terminal disease.
5. Look for opportunities to increase income by reducing expenses, adding a second job, asking for a promotion, or starting a side business.
6. Have a plan for building your legacy. Someday, you will be gone, what do you want things to look like when that happens?

For a copy of the book How Money Works, text or call Natalie at 469.682.5626.

“The ability to feel confident financially is priceless. Creating good habits, saving for emergencies and retirement allows a person to breathe more freely, especially in uncertain economic times like we're facing today.”

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