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Better Fathers Stronger Families

Fatherhood Foundation of Virginia gives dads the skills and support needed to become better dads and husbands.

When men are better prepared and supported, their children are more secure and their marriages stay strong. Parenting is not simply a life experience; it is a skill. To be a skilled father takes education, practice, experience, and support. Thankfully, the Fatherhood Foundation of Virginia (FFVA) is here to help fathers grow their parenting skills, increase their confidence in caring for their children, and foster better relationships with their children’s mothers.

Each December, FFVA’s Father Christmas program recognizes dads who go above and beyond for their children but need a little help making the holidays merry due to either financial or physical hardship. Nominate an awesome dad in need of assistance from November 1 through 24 at:

In addition to Father Christmas, FFVA provides parenting programs and support for both new and experienced dads. Here, we explore each of FFVA’s top services. Learn more at:

New Dad Basics

With most parenting classes geared toward moms, dads often get left out of the education and preparations. FFVA’s New Dad Basics class gives new dads the correct information to become confident in their role as fathers. This relaxed, interactive class is taught by experienced dads through a “Vegas” conversation, meaning anything goes! The freedom to bring all their questions and get unscripted, “real talk” from experienced fathers is invaluable. Dads receive practical information on a variety of topics such as teamwork, financial planning, and balancing work with a lack of sleep. Classes are available both virtually and in person – crying babies are welcome!

Inside/Out Dad

FFVA’s Inside/Out Dad program bridges the gap between incarcerated fathers and their children. Participating dads learn how to deal with their past, face their root problems, and apply achievable action steps to transform their future and that of their families. As they learn how to parent differently moving forward, many fathers also explore the negative impacts their own absent fathers had on their upbringing. This offers further opportunities to make better choices thoughtfully. The Inside/Out Dad program is a partnership effort with counties in Virginia, prisons, and rehabilitation organizations to form a multifaceted approach to making a significant and lasting impact.

24/7 Dad

Research shows that 80% of dads in rehab for drug addiction and alcohol dependence did not have a positive male role model growing up. FFVA’s 24/7 Dad class focuses on fathers going through rehabilitation and doing the work needed to get back to their families. This class teaches them how to take a more active role in their kids’ lives, discipline their children, better manage their anger or stress, and work more productively with their children’s mothers. Upon graduation, each participant is invited to a celebratory dinner and presented with a certificate demonstrating their progress toward being a better father.

Marriage Coaching

The split up of families after a marriage breaks down is the number one reason for absent fathers. Unfortunately, many couples do not see the warning signs that their relationship is in danger until it’s too late. FFVA offers marriage and relationship counseling to grow mutual respect, strengthen family bonds, and keep more dads in the home where they can take an active role in raising their kids. Through the guidance of an FFVA coach, couples co-create goals to get their relationship back on track. Pre-marital coaching is also available for those wanting to build a strong foundation from day one.