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Body & SOUL

Fort Collins' Community Of Fit

We've all seen it happen: finding the motivation to actually make it to 6 a.m. boot-camp with a friend; nailing the last round of squats when you see those around you powering through; or pushing yourself to shave time off your personal record when you run a 5k race. There is something to be said about the power of working out in a group — but what is it about exercising with others that motivates us?

Not only is group fitness having a moment, but it's having a significant impact on our health, too.

Research shows that the healthy actions of others rub off on us. A study published in the Journal of Social Sciences found that participants gravitate towards the exercise behaviors of those around them. Which makes a pretty strong argument for making your workouts communal. But it’s just one of many reasons why it may be easier (and more enjoyable) to get fit in a pack.

Rachel Pastor's vision & mission behind Fort Collins Fitness Festival, and their newest event, Break Free- slated for February 8th is to create a strong, health-minded community by uniting and empowering people through fitness. With community collaboration fueling their mission- it's no wonder so many fitness studios are on board to make 2020's events the best ones yet. 

When it comes to collaboration these fitness studio owners & teachers are front and center. The connection and growth for all mentality is palpable. There is no judgement, no sense of competition. Their collective goal- wellness and fitness for all. 


with Fitness Festival Events

February 8th, 2020 2:00pm-6:00pm 

CSU - Lory Student Center ‘Grand Ballroom’
Gary John Bishop our event headliner is one of the leading Personal Development experts in the industry with a global reputation that has impacted tens of thousands of people worldwide.