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Bone Broth for Pets

You may be aware of the benefits of adding bone broth to your diet, but did you know that it can be equally beneficial for your pets? As the bones simmer over a long period of time, the vitamins and minerals contained in the bones are naturally extruded into a rich broth. The gelatin (broken down collagen) that forms from this process is filled with goodness and healing properties. 

Feeding your fur babies bone broth may lead to the improvement of your pet’s gut health, help to alleviate joint pain, boost their immune system, as well as reduce inflammation. 

Beef and chicken bone broths are most popular. Bison, lamb and duck are other great options. You can find beef bones in the freezer section of most local grocery stores or you may reach out to a local butcher. Raw bones are best, but if you happen to buy a rotisserie chicken, grab two, and use the carcasses. 


Place four to five pounds of raw bones in a large pot. Cover completely with water. Add in a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Be sure to add fresh vegetables and greens. Carrots, celery, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, kale, zucchini, broccoli and parsley are all great choices. Do not include onions; they are highly toxic to dogs. 

Bring the pot to a boil then turn down the heat. Cover partially with a lid and allow to simmer for six hours. Skim off any debris that may form on top during the cooking process. Check every so often to ensure the bones are still covered. You may have to add a touch of water. 

After six hours, turn on low. For beef bone broth, cook for a total of 48 hours. For chicken, 24 hours. As an alternative to the stovetop, use a crockpot. The key to a beneficial bone broth is cooking the bones over time to grab as much goodness out of the bones as you can. For this, an Instant Pot is not recommended. No shortcuts here. 

Turn off the heat after the suggested cook time and allow time to cool. If any fat has formed, skim that off. Remove and discard the bones and vegetables from the broth. Run the broth through a sieve to ensure you have removed all the bones. 

The bone broth can be stored in the fridge for up to four days. This recipe will yield a fair amount of broth. Divide up and store in the freezer for up to six months. 

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