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Bringing Back Sweet Memories

Halloween brings back such sweet memories of time with my mom handing out candy and trick or treating at just 5 special houses. One of those homes belonged to Christine Shewey. Her mother-in-law was my Godmother who lived across the street from my grandmother. I called her “Shoo-Shoo”. “Shoo-Shoo always played board games with me and never turned away a visit from me. She was one of my very favorite people in the whole world."

Christine made the very best caramel popcorn balls that have ever existed to this very day! None compares. None.

Every Halloween my mom and I would hand out candy from our house. As soon as we finished, we would head out to the 5 houses of close family friends who my mom trusted in our rural town of Bronson. Ms. Christine always knew that we would be later than everyone else because we took time to hand out candy and couldn’t come to her house until we were finished. So, every year she saved a popcorn ball just for me. Maybe she did this for the other trick or treaters too, but she always made me feel like it was just for me. This caramel corn that I made is not her secret recipe and it’s a loose caramel corn with a slight crunch. Hers was every bit ooey-gooey, sweet, and delicious tied up with a little bow and truly unforgettable.

This year, think of an old memory and maybe bring it back to life!

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