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BrockStar Pest

Revolutionizing Pest Control with a Customer-Centric Approach

From small town to big city, Brock Anderson of BrockStar Pest Services continues his father’s tradition of hard work, passion for community and an expert-level knowledge of the insects that call Texas home. The Dripping Springs-based entrepreneur, who went to Texas Tech, spent his childhood learning from his father, Dr. Ron Anderson, a revered Ph.D. entomologist. Over a decades-long career in crop consulting, his father became known in the Texas panhandle as an agricultural oracle whose know-how helped guide generations of farmers in their hometown of Farwell and throughout the region.

Relationships formed the foundation of his dad’s career, a quality Anderson maintains in his own pest control business to this day. The trust built between Dr. Anderson and the grandfathers, fathers and sons who managed the areas’ farms went beyond consultant and clients: they were family. “My father taught me to treat every client like they are family. To take any issue and really lean into it and give it your all, no matter what service you are providing.”

Anderson’s dad also taught him the ins and outs of business ownership. A deep familiarity with the region’s bugs was only one of the skills Dr. Anderson required to run a successful company. Client relations, inventory, invoicing, accounting and scheduling were all managed by Dr. Anderson. The hard work wasn’t lost on his young son. “I witnessed firsthand that when you’re doing it for your own company and reputation, it’s a labor of love. And that love is fruitful.”

During his time at Texas Tech and in the years that followed, their bond and the respect Anderson has for his dad kept a classic piece of his advice running through his mind: “You ain’t gonna get rich working for someone else.”

“So, after years of dead-end jobs and unfulfilled dreams, I started to dissect what ‘rich’ was to me, and I found that it wasn't a dollar amount. It was the relationships I had experienced with my father’s clients. That feeling of family and lending a helping hand,” Anderson said. In 2012, while still working as a commercial construction project manager, he filed for a state pest control license and brought on his first consultant: Dr. Anderson, his on-staff Ph.D. entomologist.

After two long years working both jobs, Anderson was able to run his pest control company full-time. He credits his ability to do so to his father’s example of hard work and relationship building, values that he and his wife plan to pass on to their two kids. “I take great pride in knowing that a large portion of my client list are OGs. I'm talking 10+ years of providing the best service I possibly can. It’s really an amazing feeling to have created something similar to what I grew up with.”

With BrockStar Pest Services’ exceptional customer care — Anderson’s clients even have his direct line — and countless success stories, it’s easy to see why his clients stick around, and just like his dad’s, will undoubtedly do so for generations to come.

“My father taught me to treat every client like they are family. To take any issue and really lean into it."