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Caleb And Madison Lavey: A Local Love Story

Article by Sharla Davenport

Photography by Holly Farrow

Originally published in Celina Lifestyle

By now, everyone knows that Caleb loves Madison. After all, the words are boldly painted on a silo near the railroad tracks, downtown.  This romantic story comes from Caleb Lavey, and his wife, Madison.

Caleb Lavey moved to Celina in third grade where he met Madison Glendenning. They were friends throughout elementary but started dating in high school. Madison went to college at Texas Christian University while Caleb played football at Oklahoma State University, hence the couple dated for many years. After graduation, Caleb briefly joined the Dallas Cowboys but hung up his cleats for various corporate jobs eventually working with Madison’s father, Rex Glendenning at REX Real Estate. Caleb and Madison continued to date, this time for good.

Decades after elementary school, the couple finally married. Their wedding demonstrated the couple’s fondness for downtown having their wedding at the old First United Methodist Church, the last wedding ever to be conducted there which is now occupied by Celina City Hall. 

The Laveys were living in Dallas and working in Celina but realized they wanted to return to the place that brought them together, the town they’ve always loved. They bought a small piece of land and, now, are raising their three children in Celina, ages five, three, and one. 

Once back at home, Caleb and his brother, Jake, pursued local real estate. “We knew Celina’s downtown had a good future,” said Caleb, “so we first bought Hester’s Automotive Garage and renovated it.” It is now home to a financial planner and other offices. The brothers also purchased the building next door and are currently restoring it. Most notably, a nearby 1-acre silo property caught Caleb’s interest so he bought that as well.

Caleb often listens to country music in the car and one day he was listening to the song “John Deer Green” by Joe Diffie. It’s about Billy Bob who declares his love for Charlene by painting a water tower. The entire Lavey household loves this song, perhaps because so many of the lyrics resemble the life of Caleb and Madison. The Laveys even have a chicken named Charlene. 

And when listening to the song that day it occurred to Caleb, “This Billy Bob guy is romantic. Charlene is one lucky girl.”  Then he realized, “Heck, I have a silo. I could do that for Madison just like the song.”  Caleb reached out to some people for help and machinery, but decided to do it himself like Billy Bob.

With the help of his brother and friends, Caleb made a plan which included leasing an 85-foot boom lift and purchasing 48 cans of spray paint (just in case). On a cold below-freezing February morning, ironically near The Lavey’s anniversary, Caleb arrived at the silo and forged up the boom lift. He was so anxious that he went up while it was still dark outside without his friends or brother. 

While Caleb has experience spray painting (he paints the hay bales along Preston Road cheering for the Celina Bobcats), he was a little concerned about this artwork. No reason to worry, he successfully freehanded “Caleb loves Madison” with only one can of spray paint in about thirty minutes.

Instantly he wanted to show his family. He gathered them for a doughnut run playing their favorite song about Charlene and her water tower. When they approached the silo, Madison realized something was up just as she saw Caleb’s artwork. Teary-eyed she replied, “That’s the most romantic thing anyone ever did”.  And so life imitated art and the best gift came from the heart, rather a spray-painted heart. 

Caleb Lavey is not just known for his infamous silo. He is also Chairman of the Celina Chamber of Commerce helping to support businesses plus attract new ones. His goal is to continue to help Celina keep that small town feel but create smart growth that is good for the city. “Downtown entertainment districts are special. I remember going downtown in high school,” Caleb recalls. “I hope to continue to grow the downtown area,” he notes.

By funding local and school district causes, he donates wherever he can to Celina to “give back to the great city,” Caleb says. Eventually he hopes the silo will become a building with a restaurant, retail, and offices maintaining the original structure. 

Caleb has big dreams for his favorite town like potentially having a professional rodeo in our backyard. Those dreams and goals are what make Caleb Lavey a true romantic for his city and his family. And while he has plans for the future of Celina, he is not sure what he’ll do for his anniversary next year.  

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