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A donation of property located at the corner of Britton Road and Pennsylvania Avenue provided the land and first buildings for the School.

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Casady School - Faithfully & Bravely

From humble beginnings, Casady fosters a learner-centric environment that draws out the strengths, interests, and passions of each student

As the country was emerging from the trauma of World War II, some farsighted OKC citizens, together with Bishop Thomas Casady, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, were exploring their dream to establish a diocesan center which would include a cathedral, a conference facility, and a boarding school for the city.

At the same time a group of Oklahoma City businessmen were discussing the possibility of starting a college preparatory church school in the classical tradition. They envisioned a school that would offer small classes, personal attention, and worship in an atmosphere fostering healthy competition.

Named after Bishop Thomas Casady, Casady Hall began with the first meeting of its Board of Trustees on Feb. 17, 1947. A donation of property located at the corner of Britton Road and Pennsylvania Avenue provided the land and first buildings for the School: a tract of 38-acres, a small lake, one house, and two barns.

The Reverend Michael Martin was hired as headmaster, and in September 1947 Casady Hall opened its doors to 36 students in three grades: seventh, eighth and ninth. The School was renamed Casady School in May 1948, and that same year the Chapel of St. Edward the Confessor was built.

The Chapel has always been the spiritual center of Casady School. More than 600 daily services are conducted during the school year, involving students of all ages. Christmas and Easter services have become a tradition for many, and the Chapel is also used for baptisms, weddings, funerals, and celebrations throughout the year.

Casady is an Episcopal school that seeks to be welcoming to students and families of a variety of faith traditions, as well as for families who have no religious practice. This is the inclusive nature of the Episcopal Church and helps form one of the most needed skills in a student’s education - learning to live in a diverse and multicultural world.

The heart and soul of the religious life at Casady is the daily Chapel services for first through 12th graders. Chapel services include education and recognition of other faith traditions, as well as moral and ethical formation. Students also participate in faith education outside of Chapel, including Bible class, close readings of the Scriptures, and broader Christian theology and devotion education.

Casady School prepares its socio-economically diverse student body with the skills and knowledge that serve as the foundation for successful lives--wherever their lives lead them in this rapidly changing world.

Students receive the very best education, which is built upon developing excellence, confidence, and integrity in each student. This passion for individualized, student-driven, durable, and engaging education has remained steadfast since the School’s inception, but the way students learn has evolved, and their school must meet them where they are today.

Casady fosters a learner-centric environment that draws out the strengths, interests, and passions of each student to help them grow toward mastery of skills and knowledge.

Students are charged to read with comprehension, to communicate intelligently and convincingly, to understand the scientific nature of our world, to think creatively, analytically, and divergently, to empathize and connect with others who view and experience the world differently, and to value artistic expression.

All of these invaluable ideals move students thoughtfully and intentionally towards the goal of becoming individuals who honor, learn, engage, innovate, serve, and thrive. 

As the School approaches its 75th Anniversary, it is worth reflecting on what Casady has been to its many inhabitants. It has been a place of learning, where students strive for the highest reaches of academic achievement. It has been a place of gathering, bringing together the Casady Community to celebrate victories and mourn losses. It has been a place of character development, teaching individuals to work as a team through the crucible of athletic competition. It has also been a place of worship, inviting students to participate in the faith traditions that serve as the bedrock of a life well lived.

From its original 36 students, Casady has grown to a campus of more than 990. Its graduates are restaurant entrepreneurs, leaders of infectious disease teams, shoe designers, investigative reporters, CEOs, award winning writers, athletes, pioneers in computer science and technology, and so much more.

Their impact on the Oklahoma City Community, the country, and even the world is positive and real, and they continue to exemplify the ideals instilled in every Cyclone long past their graduation.

Casady School remains committed to providing a foundation of excellence for all our students, instilling them with the confidence and integrity that prepare them with the skills and knowledge that serve as the foundation for success.

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