Intermittent fasting (IF) has become increasingly popular in the health community as a way to lose weight and improve overall health. However, recent studies suggest that this trend may not be as beneficial as it seems, especially for women.
The idea of intermittent fasting is simple: restrict your calorie intake for specific periods of time to lose weight and improve health.
It is rooted in the science of male physiology, and as women, our bodies crave abundance and consistency. When we fast, we create metabolic stress on our bodies, which can wreak havoc on our digestion, hair, nails, and gut health.
Additionally, fasting for long periods of time can lead to increased levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can lead to even more health problems.
Many people may feel better in the short-term from IF because their guts are dysregulated, and eating less or less often feels better. However, this is not a long-term solution and does not address the root of the problem. We should not be perpetuating the idea that eating is the problem, especially when it comes to women's health.
Intermittent Fasting is a quick fix that feels good until it doesn't. We should focus on healing our bodies with food, rather than depriving ourselves of it. Just as we would not deny our child food if they were hungry, we should not deny ourselves food either. Our bodies need nourishment and consistency to function properly.
It is time to acknowledge and address the imbalances in our systems and heal our bodies with food. Not starvation.
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