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Consider the Joy of Fostering + Adoption


Article by Hayley Hyer

Photography by Stock Images

Family is powerful. Our family sees every single part of us and knows us in ways we don't even know ourselves. As we begin a new decade, we have an opportunity to reflect on all of the ways family has been there for us through the last 10 years and send out gratitude to our those people closest to us. We get to decide how we will cherish our family for the next 10 years and beyond.

For some Kansas City residents, cherishing family means opening up their homes to welcome new members. Below are some of my favorite fostering and adoptions stories from our community. If you are considering one of those paths for your family, these local parents have some great insight to share and can point you in the right direction.

Give the Gift of Family Through Fostering

Originally published in Johnson County Lifestyle

“[We find joy] in seeing children that come from very difficult places become successful, loving children and young adults; building positive relationships with the biological families, and helping so many families recover from their own abusive pasts and helping them get their children back home.” —Mary Evans

Foster Parents Share How Their Lives Have Been Changed

Originally published in Lee's Summit Lifestyle

“None of the children asked to be in this position, and this is the worst time of their life for most of them. If we can make it less hard and more secure during this time of their lives, then it’s worth any discomfort to us as adults. The child isn’t choosing to be in this situation, so we shouldn’t choose not to help because it’s too hard for us.” —Amy MacEwen

Generations of a Family Embrace Adoption

Originally published in Leawood Lifestyle

“We hope we’re setting our boys up for success in life, whatever that might look like for them. We hope to love them well enough that they can love other people. We hope they are good, strong men who take care of those who depend on them. One day at a time, one hug at a time, we hope to raise our sons to know they are infinitely cherished.” —Will and Emily Cowley

Follow Hayley Hyer @hayhyer