Are you celebrating? Do you celebrate only when it’s a calendar holiday or a planned party?
So many of us miss out on celebrating our identities for every moment that we are breathing. Are you living in your truth, truly being authentic, or are you waiting to be accepted?
When you ask yourself, “Who am I” is that something that is easy for you to answer? Are you the person that you have convinced yourself you are?
If you're reading this and your questioning yourself, don’t worry! We are all evolving and learning about ourselves from every experience we have that has entered our journey. We are all born to be this special person and you know who you are, but you might not be living from that truth.
Are you truly celebrating right this minute as the moments in your life are ticking away?
Let’s be honest, some of us forget to celebrate every precious moment. Some of us are waiting for life to happen, whether it’s a better relationship or a degree, or maybe to have kids or grandchildren. Well, life is happening now, as you read this, and there is no need to wait, my friends.
As the holidays approach, the ones that the calendar tells us that are coming up, ask yourself, “What comes after ‘who am I?’” Here are some examples to consider; please answer from your true self.
“Who am I?”
· A person of faith
· A gift of love
· More than enough
· A mother, father, daughter or son; or whatever fits your situation best
· Creation all wrapped in one
· The breath in the family
· I am successful
· I am the light
· I am afraid
· I am sad
· I am happy.
After you have thought about your uniqueness, which we all are, consider, “What is your purpose?” What do we want to accomplish while we are here on this journey?
You are all of your experiences you have and you bring all those experiences to this minute of your life today. Please light your own candle today and every day with flowers, light, love and happy thoughts, so you are truly celebrating you for what you bring to this universe. When You let go of what you think you’re supposed to be, that is when you discover who you truly are.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Truly celebrate it! Enhance yourself with excitement over the rest of your life.
Laugh, dance, learn, lead, inspire, play, change and raise the vibe! Thoughts become things... choose good ones!
Do this for YOU! Now go celebrate!
Listen to the Kim Pagano Show Saturdays from 7-8 a.m. on 1590 KVTA, visit or listen to her podcast for inspiration. Feature your business on “The Kim Pagano Show,” voted Ventura County’s top radio program by the VC Star and VC Reporter. Contact Kim at 805.419.0008 or