Ancient wisdom foretold what modern imaging technology has since confirmed: the spine is the key to wellness. "If you would seek health, look first to the spine," Socrates said some 2400 years ago. An old Chinese proverb maintains you are as old as your spine. Or, to quote many a concerned spouse, "What were you thinking?”
Anyone who has worked up a sweat shoveling wet snow, or hoisted a mini-fridge while double-parked outside their kid's dorm, knows the telltale signs. That small twinge or telltale Pop! can be the first sign of injury. People who are experiencing relatively new pain that has never required treatment before may find it works itself out.
"Most people who tweak something will find it works itself out if they rest and apply an ice pack for 15 or 20 minutes," recommends Dr. Lawrence Mosurak, owner of Grosse Pointe Spine Center in Grosse Pointe Woods. "This really helps reduce swelling.”
He has treated many patients experiencing chronic pain from spine trauma in five years at the helm of the Warren Chiropractic Clinic before shifting the practice to Grosse Pointe Woods in early 2024 so he could serve the community where he lives. He offers the following advice for maintaining a healthy spine.
Physical activity is great. Avoid strenuous or damaging activities to the lower spine. "Keep your core active," Dr. Mosurak says. Activities like swimming and yoga are great for this, as opposed to running, which can jar your lower back.
He also recommends maintaining a low inflammation diet. Fruits and vegetables like blueberries, fish high in Omega 3 oils, brown rice, egg whites, lean meats are beneficial. Try to limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine, processed meats and cheeses, and foods with a high sugar content. "Many of the muscle spasms, the tightness and swelling I see are caused by inflammation," Dr. Mosurak points out. "Which is why I recommend a low inflammation diet.”
For people whose jobs require heavy lifting (think delivery drivers and airline workers), the strain on their spine may result in injuries such as sciatica, bulging, or herniated disc. Any of these conditions can become chronic, requiring X-rays, scans, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, hours of physical therapy, and costly time off work.
Until recently, surgery was the last resort option.
That has changed thanks to a new spinal decompression technique that can rejuvenate a failing disc and help the spine heal itself.
"Chiropractic clinics can now treat bulging and herniated discs, sciatica, and pinched nerves using new technology that targets the problematic disc and brings it back to life," according to Dr. Mosurak, who reports extraordinary results. "They're able to do this without surgery, without prescribing narcotics, and without injections, achieving results that standard chiropractic care doesn't resolve.”
Treatment is delivered by way of a computerized table that targets affected discs using computerized imaging data. "The table is programmed to deliver treatment to the disc that requires attention," Dr. Mosurak explains.
The reason decompression therapy works has everything to do with the anatomy of the discs in our spine, which Dr. Mosurak explains are similar to a kitchen sponge. When a disc begins to degenerate, it cuts off the supply of vital fluid and nutrients to the surrounding tissue. "Using decompression technology, we can open the space around the disc, pull water back into the disc, rehydrate it, and help it bounce back to life," according to Dr. Mosurak. "Treating the disc directly just makes a lot more sense," he points out.
The success rates have been phenomenal, Dr. Mosurak reports, such as a patient who had been off work for a year and was scheduled for spine surgery. Dr. Mosurak worked with him for a month, applying spinal decompression therapy, and the result was the patient was able to cancel his surgery and return to work full-time. Another client who owns a home renovation company was able to return to work after almost a year off following a month of decompression treatments several times a week.
Dr. Mosurak learned of Spinal Decompression Therapy following his chiropractic training at Palmer College in Florida (he also holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education from The University of Michigan). He invested in the best decompression table on the market, developed by, and the results have been so positive that he is investing in a second table.
For more information, on chiropractic care, (313) 332-0388,
The American Chiropractic Association offers tips to prevent the
onset of back pain, including:
Maintain a healthy diet and weight
Remain active
Stretch before exercising
Maintain proper posture
Sleep on a mattress of medium firmness to minimize any curve in
your spine
Ensure that your workstation is ergonomically correct
Learn more at
"Many of the muscle spasms, the tightness and swelling I see are caused by inflammation, which is why I recommend a low inflammation diet."