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Chiropractic Care For Kids

Dr. Chris Wright helps keep kids happy and healthy

A high school sports injury landed Dr. Chris Wright in the office of a dual-licensed doctor who specialized in both physical therapy and chiropractic care. That experience impacted him so powerfully, it changed his career path.

“He was very passionate and wanted his patients to achieve optimal health,” explained Wright. “This always stuck with me and caused me to pursue an exercise science degree in undergrad, eventually making the choice to go into the same field.”

Now, Dr. Chris, as his patients call him, impacts the lives of kids and adults through chiropractic care at Integrative Chiropractic & Natural Medicine.

“I enjoy watching the change in not just patients’ pain levels but their attitude as a whole throughout treatment,” he shared. “There is nothing more rewarding than to see someone who could barely walk, stand, bend, or had to give up what they love most due to an injury and see them come through it all and get back to their old selves naturally.”

Adults have the capability of realizing their need for chiropractic care, but with children, it is often up to parents and caregivers to observe behaviors that indicate that a child would benefit from chiropractic care. Babies who are colicky, fussy, constipated, or have gas issues may find relief with minor adjustments. Infants experiencing shoulder dysplasia or torticollis, where neck muscles cause the head to tilt to one side, are also candidates for chiropractic care.

“When my daughter was born, she had some shoulder dysplasia, so I did muscle work on her to stretch her shoulder out,” he said. “I've also seen a lot of babies with gas issues or constipation and a pelvic adjustment, or some sublime muscle work, can ease that up a bit.”

As children get older, become more active, and participate in sports, injuries become more common. 

“I treat a lot of dancers, football players, and baseball players with different injuries especially to knees, elbows, and shoulders,” Wright explained. “When they come in, I do a comprehensive exam, get a history, ask questions, and get input from the parents. I do additional testing as needed and I only take x-rays if they are medically necessary.”

Once the problem has been correctly identified, Wright discusses a treatment plan with the parents which often includes a combination of deep muscle tissue massage, laser therapy, and working with soft tissue using the Graston technique.

Wright also successfully works with kids who struggle with other medical conditions such as migraines and scoliosis. In fact, he recommends that parents have their children checked for scoliosis on a yearly basis by a medical professional who can recognize the signs.

“You would be surprised how many kids I get in their high school years that the scoliosis wasn't noticed until they were 13 or 14 years old, when in reality, they had it for years before that,” he shared. “If you're concerned about scoliosis, for example you notice a muscular imbalance, chiropractic is one of the less expensive options and we're knowledgeable when it comes to scoliosis. We can set up corrective care, like a brace, and help a lot with symptoms.”

Wright encourages parents who have concerns to schedule an appointment, have a comprehensive exam, and explore treatment possibilities to ensure their children are healthy and happy. 

“I believe our office has a large toolbox when it comes to what we can provide for our patients,” he said. “We are able to cover a lot of areas with our patient’s health whether it’s chiropractic, massage, or nutrition. I believe what our practice does best is making sure each individual has a plan tailored to their needs.”

Find Dr. Chris Wright at the Matthews office of Integrative Chiropractic & Natural Medicine located at 12043 Guion Lane. For more information, visit or call (704) 684-0093.

I believe what our practice does best is making sure each individual has plans tailored to their needs

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