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Coach Bagby and Student

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Creating Healthy Habits for Kids

Martial Arts is Making Youth Fitness Fun

Beginning healthy habits at a young age makes it much easier to maintain healthy habits into adulthood. Learning how to make healthier choices from an early age can help ensure that a child’s preferences lean more toward healthier options later in life, especially as the stressors of adult life settle in.

The best way to achieve physical fitness at an early age is to ensure that early experiences are good experiences. Kids should be running, jumping, rolling, throwing, catching, and learning how their bodies move through space. Fitness at a young age should look a lot like play. If a child feels like fitness is a chore, they’re more likely to be resistant, but if it is approached as “fun” or at the very least an activity that is consistently positive, it’s far more likely to become a sustainable habit as they grow older. After all, we are hardwired to enjoy exercise on a biological level in a similar capacity as play, releasing endorphins and dopamine.

Martial arts is a great option for keeping kids active, for all the reasons that are listed above, but also because kids are learning far more than just how to be fit. Kids are improving hand-eye coordination, balance, and individual limb coordination. They are learning inner fortitude, resilience, and how to defend themselves. Kids who take martial arts from a good instructor are also learning self-control, discipline, and respect.

Coach Nathan Bagby is a former Muay Thai fighter and martial artist turned coach, personal trainer, and personal safety public speaker. He has worked with everyone from pro fighters to soccer moms, one on one to small groups. Coach Bagby recently launched Contego Martial Arts, a comprehensive, family-friendly martial arts system serving the Austin and Dripping Springs area. His program offers all of the best elements of Muay Thai, kickboxing, boxing, taekwondo, and jiu-jitsu. Classes are designed to be engaging, informative, and fun for all ages and experience levels. Classes are currently being held at Austin Sports Academy.

Kids’ Classes (ages 5–12): We are currently offering one kids’ class that meets three days a week. This class is open to kids of all experience levels between the ages of 5 and 12. Classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 6–7 p.m. and Saturdays from 10–11 a.m. Contact Coach Bagby for more information @ (469) 867-8407.