Colorado is truly a place with a style of it's own. Somewhere between cowboys, artistic types, affluent fashionistas and dread headed hippies Colorado has agreed that a nice t-shirt is formal enough for many occasions and no matter your background we're all proud enough of our home to own at least one item bearing that red and gold Colorado "C" emblazoned over white, blue, and a million more fun things that tie our personal identities in with our love for this place. As a part of this months fashion issue we'd like to introduce you to two local designers who are putting their own spin on the concept of Colorado casual.
GD4GD - Tate Hoeven
"We hope to communicate and inspire creativity. We hope this makes people think outside of the box on everything in their lives including the clothing they wear. We are lovers of art and everything that the creative mind can inspire. We have been inspired to create these shirts because we are inspired to look at casual streetwear, question it and create something new and different. These shirts aren't normal and neither are we."
High Altitude Apparel - Jonathan Foos
"To anyone who has visited or lived in Colorado, it is obvious why we love it and why we have chosen to build our lives here. We strive to create products that reflect our pride in Colorado, as well as some of our other personal passions. We create unique, high-quality Colorado apparel that reflect our love for this great state. All of our products are designed, printed, and fulfilled locally in Windsor, Colorado."