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Common Threads

Connecting Community, One Stitch at a Time

Article by Bill Furbee

Photography by Matthew J Capps Business Image Services

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

From Eagles to Tigers to Wolf Packs, food pantries to Prince of Peace to prevention, RP Diamond Screen Printing & Embroidery knows a thing or two about the importance of community ties. Since 2008, founders David and Tammy Terry have printed and embroidered eye-catching shirts and hoodies for teams and organizations throughout the Greater Loveland area.

“It has to be hundreds of thousands,” David offers, when asked for an estimate.

In 2008, initial orders were fulfilled out of the Terrys’ basement, with a modest unattended blue bin stationed on their porch for order pickup. But word spread fast. So fast, in fact, that it wasn’t long before RP Diamond needed to expand beyond the confines of their home.

Eventually, a retail space on Loveland Madeira Road would become RP Diamond’s business headquarters. “We got this spot, and it just exploded,” Tammy says about their biz today. “Almost every day we’re getting inquiries from new people, or people stopping in to ask about shirts.”

Lifelong Loveland residents, David and Tammy also consider community support a key aspect of their mission. “I've always been a firm believer that it starts at home, in your own backyard,” David says. “I still remember how small of a community we lived in back in the 1970s and ’80s. Everyone knew everyone … everyone helped everyone.”

It was that fond recollection of their own experiences growing up in Loveland that led to the creation (maybe more accurately, the rebirth) of their now biggest event of the year: Santa Land, which takes place in the shopping plaza where RP Diamond is located.

“When we were kids, Santa used to come in on a helicopter here at the plaza we’re in,” Tammy explains. “He sat in a little red house, and you’d wait in line to tell him what you wanted for Christmas.”

With those timeless memories top of mind, it was an easy decision for the Terrys to bring back that childhood tradition for a whole new generation. “It’s something we wanted to do … to give back to the community,” David and Tammy agree. And what a way to pay it forward—a kids’ train, inflatable slide, balloon animals, games, prizes and hot chocolate are all provided at no cost. That part’s worth repeating—at no cost. Tammy estimates up to 200 guests visit each afternoon, and toys are collected throughout December for the Loveland Interfaith Effort (LIFE) Food Pantry.

The LIFE Food Pantry also benefits throughout the year from RP Diamond’s financial support, meal assistance, and back-to-school clothing drives for the food pantry’s clients.

Additionally, RP Diamond sponsors Loveland High School’s Athlete of the Week, and supports the school’s Transitional Program for those with disabilities. As the school’s exclusive retailer, David and Tammy stress the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with these students. A number of them are eventually brought on board to learn business management skills as well as more about the actual printing and embroidery process.

David and Tammy also supply shirts and uniforms for local partners like Oasis Turf & Tree, McCabe Lumber, and the Job Center. And for the everyday shopper, they’ve got an entire merch store with cool tees and gifts for sale right from their shop.

Weaving together schools, neighbors and community, the stitches and seams taking shape—coming to life—from the headquarters of RP Diamond are pulling the Loveland community closer every day.

“If you help the ones in need around you, it only helps build a stronger community,” David says. “We’ve been blessed to have connected with ours.”

Tammy agrees with a smile. “And we get a kick out of walking around town, and seeing people wearing the stuff that we made!” | 368 Loveland Madeira Rd | 513.583.8447

Look Familiar?
Here’s just a small sample of some of the most memorable T-shirts and products RP Diamond has made over the years—some you can still purchase in store or online. Pro tip: you can also visit in person (or shop their website) for an even larger selection.