Congratulations to the class of 2001. What an amazing accomplishment after the last year and a half learning how to navigate adversity and this new way of life.
"Pre-pandemic I would tell myself to never take physical touch for granted. I completed clinical hours at a nursing home facility in January and the residents hadn’t experienced contact with the outside world for almost a year. I started noticing how much a simple gesture, such as holding a resident’s hand when talking to them, was so meaningful. That experience is probably also what made me realize how much I genuinely missed hugging people as well! I will be attending TN Tech University this fall with plans to pursue becoming a Nurse Practitioner." - London Elle Ivie
"After highschool I want to go to school to become a midwife. On a mission trip I observed the lack of health care offered to the women and children. A desire was placed on my heart that day to help women from all parts of the world get the care they (and their babies) deserve in a safe environment." - Keely Chandler
"After high school I want to become a firefighter because I have wanted to be one since I was a kid and would like to work within my community" - Zachary Hicks
"My future plans include attending Vol State and then a Trade School of some sort. In the meantime I’ will be working at Just Love Coffee. Come by sometime and try one of my infamous cortados!" - Gibson Littleton