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Left to Right: William "Bam" Sparks, Jerome Howard, Al Adjahoe, & Vernell Woods

Featured Article

Culture Wireless

Connected to the Culture

In 1999 the hit movie “The Wood,” starring Omar Epps, Taye Diggs, and Richard Jones as a group of friends who reminisce about their friendship, was all the rave. It was a great story of Black males who were true friends. Fast forward to 2022; the City of South Fulton has a true friendship story of its own, starring William Sparks, Vernell Woods, Al Adajahoe, and Jerome Howard, a vastly talented group of friends collectively known as Culture Wireless. 

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, the dependency on technology continues to grow, as many have chosen to continue to work from home and students have a dependency on wireless connections to complete their studies.  

Culture Wireless and their partnership with AT&T is ensuring the opportunity to connect is one that is affordable. On January 15, potential customers who receive benefits from SSI, SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8, and Pell Grants were able to sign up to enroll for wireless service for only $20 a month.

Earlier this month, SoFu Lifestyle met with Culture Wireless’ President Vernell Woods and Marketing Director William Sparks, who shared their passion for the company and future plans.

The Bridge to Culture Wireless

William puts the “Bam” in marketing. He is constantly working to garner partnerships with HBCUs to offer affordable wireless connections to matriculating students. Georgia is home to 10 fabulous sources of higher learning and there are thousands of students whose budgets would appreciate unlimited wireless service through Culture Wireless.

He also promotes the opportunity to connect using Culture Wireless during volunteer efforts and networking events where the group takes time to give back. At each volunteer event, the group gives them the visibility and highlights Culture Wireless as a company that truly understands the culture of the customers they serve. 

“It’s more important that people know we believe that culture and diversity come from the inside, so we are focused on more doing and less talking.”

People are Talking

People are definitely talking, some through Moolah Mobile backed by none other than Atlanta’s own artist T. I. Moolah Mobile is a cellphone company owned by Vernell Woods, president of Culture Wireless. Moolah Mobile and Culture Wireless have an interesting partnership in that Moolah Mobile was the first to offer free wireless service to underserved communities and Culture Wireless ensures those communities have internet connection at an affordable rate.

Moolah Mobile users know there is no longer a need to be a popular social media influencer to earn money. Woods created an app that deposits money into a “Moolah Wallet” each time an ad of one of 4,000 retailers is played, and who doesn’t want more moolah?

What’s Next?

The founders of Culture Wireless are currently working to lay their own fiber, which is part of their vision for “Smart Cities” that boast an increased populate where services are improved through the use of technology. The company will expand services to neighboring southern states, because they truly believe “everyone should have access to affordable quality internet.”

The Next Big Thing

Culture Wireless IS the next big thing! This IS the time to jump onboard. The four founders have positioned themselves and the company for an amazing future, one connection at a time. Why pay more when you can get connected affordably? 

For more info, visit: or @culturewireless on IG.