Family. This time of year, it’s family we think of, turn to, celebrate with, give thanks for … those we’re connected to by birth; those we’ve chosen as our own along the way. Five years ago, we brought this magazine to life, and welcomed you into our lives (into each other’s lives). We chose you—the people and nonprofits and boutiques and businesses. We told your stories, shared your triumphs, felt your worries, championed your pursuits. And to no one’s surprise, you became more than our community. You became family.
And, as families are wont to do around the holidays, we reminisce. Often with smiles, sometimes with tears, always with love and gratitude and wonder in our hearts. There were some who questioned if we’d run out of stories—our neighborhood is only so big, right? But we never doubted there’d always be so much (and more) to tell. Looking back, it seemed fitting for us to share the ones that stood out.
“One of my favorite issues was June 2020,” says Emily Barlow, publisher. “It was in the heart of COVID, and we wanted to bring a message of hope to the community, so we asked our partners to share why they loved a specific local business—coffee shops, salons, restaurants, gyms, to name a few. Everyone was excited to share their favorites.”
“Our magazine was reaching people stuck at home,” Emily remembers. “So to be able to offer uplifting messages was nothing short of incredible. When I read that issue now, I get chills. It’s a time capsule. I love seeing how far we’ve come, and I’m reminded of just how strong and supportive this town I call home is.”
“My favorite issue has to be either the first or the last,” laughs Stephanie Meinberg, editor. “That inaugural issue was totally uncharted territory, and seeing it in print the first time—that was something else … the accomplishment, the pride, the excitement.”
“But I’m just as awestruck and amazed by every issue since—each one still knocks me over,” Steph continues. “Of course, I remember certain stunning pics, punny-perfect headlines, stories I got to tell alongside the absolutely brilliant writing from the incredible team we’ve been blessed with over the years … but they’re all my favorites. All of them. I’m so proud of everything we’ve done.”
“Choosing a favorite? That’s a challenge! Loveland Lifestyle has featured countless inspiring stories,” smiles Courtney Kraemer, sales support director and social media coordinator. “In May 2020, before I began working for LLM, Emily wanted me to write about the nonprofit I worked for, Pink Ribbon Girls—little did I know it would lead to a career change!”
“At that time, Emily’s sister-in-law and social media manager, Mandy, was diagnosed with breast cancer,” Courtney says. “I was able to introduce her to Pink Ribbon Girls, and she got involved—even spoke at one of their events. Loveland Lifestyle has a unique way of bringing people together—it’s what I cherish most about it.”
So, to all of you—our community, our family—thank you for the most memorable five years with us. We can’t wait to see what the next five brings.