Dear Younger Me,
Good news little one, most of your fears don’t end up as truth. Only imaginary thoughts that you have learned to put in their place. The years you felt voiceless and crippled with insecurities have been replaced with family and friends who love you and seek your advice and support. Uncertainty no longer takes up residency in your heart. You are free to love. Free to impact your world for good. Free to be all that God created you to be and free to dream your biggest dreams. Your love and compassion for others continues to grow. Each year brings you meaningful relationships, more healing and more grace for others to heal. Embrace the storms that life brings you. There is light at the end of each tunnel. You are stronger, wiser and your faith has deep roots because of life’s trials. The road ahead is always up from here!
-Gina Rookstool
Dear Young Hillory,
What an amazing journey you have ahead. The world will be ever changing with technology and the way people live and communicate. Thankfully, some important life principles won’t change, so as you live your life always remember these things:
Share love unconditionally, and don’t let go of the people who unconditionally share it back. Find what brings joy to your heart and spend time doing it. Love your whole self and learn how to make the most of the individual gifts God has given you. Time in each day will never increase so stop fretting away precious moments. Worrying will get you nowhere. Realize you are a rare and beautiful work of art. There is no other like you. You’ll add new layers of paint each year of your life so paint playfully, paint boldly, paint imaginatively and never stop creating your masterpiece of you!
Hillory Baird
Dear Younger Me,
YOU ARE ENOUGH. You're smart, beautiful and talented. Stop putting yourself down. People will want to push you down, but do not let them clip your wings. Keep reaching for the stars toward your goals and dreams, and never give up. That doctorate you always want, don't wait for it. Go for it.
Turn all your stumbling blocks into stepping stones. When you're still stressing about the mud from the storm you're in, look up. The sky is cleared. Move on. How we act, feel and think will make all the difference during life’s challenges.
Find an older woman to confide in whose opinion you trust and character you respect. There’s so much to learn from her wisdom. Stick close to those that are true to you. They’re life’s greatest gifts.
Volunteer more. It feels so good to give of your time and resources. Don’t take everything so serious. Smile, laugh and have fun!
-Angela Grego
About the Artist
Cody Wheelock is a Lee’s Summit based artist specializing in commissioned artwork for both private and corporate clients. Cody utilizes traditional drawing and oil painting methods inspired by the 19th century French academic method to create timeless portraits, landscape scenes and images of 21st century life. In addition to commissioned work, Cody operates Fount Atelier of Fine Art, a classical art instruction studio offering classes for teens/adults both in-studio and online at his Lee’s Summit studio. You can learn more about Cody and his studio at and/or .