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Dear Younger Me

Dr. Elizabeth Muennich takes a look back on her life and career as a dermatologist.

The best life lessons come from our own experiences, especially when we take time to reflect. Dr. Elizabeth Muennich, dermatologist and owner at Dermatology & Skin Care Associates, hit pause on her busy life as a physician, business owner, spouse, mother and neighbor to share some wisdom with her younger self.  

As a youngster, Dr. Muennich pictured herself as a physician, even dressing in scrubs for Halloween. With a PhD in neuroanatomy, a career in neurosurgery originally grabbed her attention, but she opted for dermatology with its better work-life balance.

Practicing dermatology allows her to explore both the clinical and cosmetic sides of healthcare, offer a full menu of dermatological services to her patients, complete with trailblazing technology, and still have time to devote to her husband, Josh, and their two children.

This Cincinnati native is firmly rooted in her community raising her family and growing her business in her own backyard. When asked what words of advice she would share with her younger self, Dr. Muennich smiles as if rolling down a car window and looking in the rearview mirror on a roadtrip to remember. 

Slow Down

“I have this amazing ability to get sucked into the hamster wheel,” shares Dr. Muennich. “I tend to get overcommitted—a lot of women do. We are people pleasers. We want to help. You can say, ‘No!’” she whispers in the ear of her younger self. “Although, I’m still working on that,” she adds with a smile.

Let Your Career Find You

“I knew I wanted to be in medicine but I didn’t exactly know what route I wanted to take,” reflects Dr. Muennich. “Your career finds you in a bizarre kind of way. When you are a med student, there are a lot of options. It’s hard to make those major decisions. I’d tell myself it’s okay to change tracks. I thought I was going to be a neurosurgeon but I’m not and I’m happy.”

Keep Having Fun

“I had a lot of fun as a kid. I’d tell my younger self to keep doing that!” As a child of the 70s, Dr. Muennich had fun on wheels. Her childhood roller skating days and later love for martial arts landed her a spot on the Gem City Roller Girls during medical school at Wright State University. 

Nicknamed “Bad Attitude Barbie,” Muennich skated with the club for more than three years. “That was my stress relief during medical school,” she says. “I had t-shirts and coffee mugs that said, ‘Looks like Barbie—Hits like Ken.’”

“I even met my husband boxing,” she continues. “He was teaching a kickboxing class I was taking. He kicked my hand and I talked him into taking me out to dinner. Fun is an important part of who I am—especially as a parent,” she says.

Back to the Future

Nostalgia aside, Dr. Muennich looks ahead to the adventures life may bring her next, ready to tackle them with the sense of humor and strong sense of self that characterizes her and her work. “I’m ready for the next era,” she says with her signature confidence.

Dr. Elizabeth Muennich and the Dermatology & Skin Care Associates team welcome patients at their new West Chester location at 7249 Liberty Way. 

"Fun is an important part of who I am—especially as a parent."