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One hopes that each door leads to healing and restored health.

Featured Article

Defying the Odds

Access to Rehabilitation that Enriches Lives

Article by Tami Strong

Photography by My Turning Point and CL

Originally published in Canton City Lifestyle

Carrie Kozel's journey with My Turning Point is deeply personal, rooted in her own experiences and those of her loved ones. Her work as a physical therapist has allowed her to witness firsthand the transformative impact that breast cancer rehab therapy can have on survivors' lives. However, it was only when her mother became a recipient of these life-changing efforts that Carrie fully realized the significance of her work. As a 30-year veteran teacher in Cherokee County, Lynda Frederickson is an unstoppable force. Restoring her life to its fullest was a desire for her family and the reason My Turning Point is so important. 

With more than a 50% chance that Carrie will have to personally battle this horrible disease, one would think that she is motivated enough to advocate for the best care for every patient. Carrie recalls that her preparation for joining such a wonderful team at My Turning Point started in her clinical rounds during physical therapy. She had been assigned to join a doctor performing life-changing rehabilitation for cancer patients, and Carrie was immediately drawn to this type of purpose-driven work.

Joining My Turning Point in 2009, Carrie initially worked with patients in a clinic setting, unaware of the profound impact that transitioning to online services would have. Yet, this shift opened doors to reach countless more patients recovering from breast cancer. Through this transition, Carrie and her team at My Turning Point have been able to extend their mission of providing access to techniques and therapies that not only help individuals survive but thrive in the face of breast cancer.

Through Carrie's unwavering commitment and the mission of My Turning Point, countless survivors have been empowered to endure and flourish in their lives post-diagnosis.

Carrie and Mallory's adaptation to using technology to provide remote physical therapy services during the pandemic of 2020 has had a profound impact on their patients, particularly working moms and chronically ill individuals. Despite the challenges presented by the inability to conduct in-person treatments, Carrie and Mallory seized the opportunity to innovate and create new protocols and strategies for delivering care remotely.

Through their efforts, they have ensured that patients continue to receive quality care and expanded access to their services. By leveraging the internet, they have enabled patients to access therapy programs from the comfort of their homes. This newfound accessibility has relieved many patients, allowing them to focus on their recovery without the added stress of traveling to appointments.

The success of My Turning Point in serving more patients than ever demonstrates the resilience and adaptability of healthcare professionals in the face of adversity. While the pandemic presented numerous challenges, it spurred innovation and creativity in delivering healthcare services. By embracing technology, Carrie and Mallory have transformed how physical therapy is delivered, ultimately improving the lives of their patients and empowering them to lead successful recoveries.

Carrie shared that as one reflects on the experience of breast cancer survivors, there's often this pervasive sense of gratitude for simply being alive post-treatment. There's a prevailing attitude of comparison, where survivors may feel that their struggles pale in comparison to others, leading to a reluctance to voice their functional challenges. For instance, the inability to engage in activities like tennis, lifting a toddler, or even performing simple tasks like reaching for a pan in a high cabinet can become everyday hurdles. Despite these obstacles, the overarching sentiment remains one of gratitude for survival. However, it's crucial to recognize that with advancements in breast cancer treatment, survival rates have significantly improved. Consequently, survivors are living longer lives, which necessitates addressing and discussing these functional limitations that accompany survivorship.

Mallory Mark, Clinical Director and physical therapist at My Turning Point works with Carrie and echoes that patients don’t have to suffer in silence. She states, “The survivorship journey is often a marathon, not a sprint, and having a rehabilitation professional on your cancer care team can help ensure that a patient returns to doing what brings them joy.”  

Using the most advanced physical therapy techniques and an online platform to assess and teach recovery allows more women access to excellent services. My Turning Point has staff that are invested beyond a patient’s medical diagnosis. Partnering with each survivor is an honor My Turning Point takes seriously in order to advocate for all women who deserve to be whole again.

"The survivorship journey is often a marathon, not a sprint."

"Advocating for our patients to live their best lives after a diagnosis is a must."

  • Mallory Mark, Physical Therapist and Clinical Director at My Turning Point, offer life-altering therapies to help each patient.
  • One hopes that each door leads to healing and restored health.
  • Carrie and her mother Lynda savor every moment to soak in life's joys.