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Designing Dreams

By Emily Dwyer

What attracted you to this profession?

My love and passion for design. Combining colors, patterns, and personality to create something cohesive. 

Do you have a favorite design style?

Believe it or not, I don’t have a favorite design style. I appreciate and love a well-balanced design. To me, that means a blend of traditional and modern, creating the most interesting and unique aesthetic.

From where do you get your design inspiration?

I get inspired by the home itself while also pulling from my client’s needs, personality, and style to inspire me. Both big things and little things can inspire an entire room. I have gotten inspiration from big things such as the seasons, nature, a beautiful sunset, opera houses, and little things such as sunglasses, fabric, or a two-inch tile.

When designing a room, what is the most essential factor for you?

That is a tough question; I have to consider many important factors: The scale, the lighting, the style of the home, the function of the room, the existing bones, and the client’s needs are all exceptionally thought out. But ultimately, my client is the most important; without their communication, trust, and a common goal between us, nothing great can be accomplished. I love to make my clients happy, and I love seeing our vision come to life; I find the whole process very rewarding

Trending design for 2024?

The 2024 trends are an eclectic mix. Moody walls or wallpaper that tells a story are trending. Layered looks for window treatments, natural fabrics embellished and embroidered with trims, buttons, and leather, natural stone wherever you can, mid-toned woods, and endless curves and arches in furniture and architecture. 2024 is about finding your niche, blending old and new, and daring to be different and bold. If this is scary, that is why I’m here to pull it all together.

Emily Dwyer, Facebook Page: @dwyer.design.2024