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Donna Cohen

Interior Designer

What was your inspiration to start in the Interior Design field? 

I followed my mother's decorator around asking questions and wanting to choose my own things--- whoops!  He was so nice and patient with me--I was constantly rearranging my parents' house!  After I started working I decorated all of our apartments!  I painted, sewed cushions for the furniture, and even painted paintings on canvas to match!

What is your favorite project?

Every project is my favorite or I wouldn't be designing it--some, of course, are more memorable than others--but I love every project no matter how small or large!

Tell me a little about One-Day Room Transformations? 

So excited about my One Day Transformations!  Most people I know now want instant gratification--this is the way for them to achieve it--quickly and on their budget--we will shoo them out in the morning and--voila!--they come home in the late afternoon to a new room.  We have a plan in place beforehand and if something has to be ordered, we make sure we have everything ready to go!   Or we just work with what they have, and repurpose and rearrange it!

What is your favorite quote?

My 2 favorite quotes--Every great design begins with an even greater story!  An interior should define labeling--I don't want to have someone walk into a room and say--I know what designer did this--!!  The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them.

How do you balance your work and personal life?  

Set boundaries, Plan ahead, Delegate and Outsource, Take care of yourself and your time off. Do not make your Work Life your whole life--You will be a better designer if you have diverse interests.

Donna Cohen, Interior Designer

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