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Driven to Create

Local Artist Kevin A. Johnson Inspires

Kevin A. Johnson knew from a very young age that he wanted to be an artist. Inspired by his Aunt Mary, a painter, and a close family friend who was also a painter, he knew that being an artist was what he wanted to do with his life. His has been a journey in that one direction.

Johnson recounts that as a kid, “I already knew exactly what I wanted to do.”

He draws inspiration from society. He’s currently inspired by the way things are changing with technology and how people are looking for more meaning and creativity in their lives. During COVID, he says, many took the opportunity to reconsider their priorities and values. He loves seeing how many individuals have returned to things they loved doing as a kid, but haven’t made time for as an adult. His work allows him to incorporate themes of spirituality and individuality, as well.

As a child, Johnson got his start by copying from comic books and teaching himself how to draw. He eventually started working in acrylics and experimenting with collages. As he began working on larger pieces, he switched to oil paint so he could blend the paint more and get the exact look that he sought. When digital art came on the scene, he taught himself how to use Photoshop. Today, he uses many different mediums including clay, digital, acrylics and oil.

Meeting a Mentor

Around 2011, Johnson was admiring a figurine line by an artist named Thomas Blackshear and reached out. The two eventually connected and formed a mentorship and friendship.

Johnson is driven and works on his craft every day. Currently working as a full-time artist, his artwork is unique because of the stories the pieces tell. Johnson uses color, facial expressions and lighting to help create the layers of each story.

Johnson says aspiring artists should, “Be patient, learn that nobody will do it for you, network, and look at the direction you want to go.”

Future Ambitions

Johnson hopes to share his artwork in more shows in the future, including expanding to the Denver area and potentially nationally. Eventually, he’d like to open up a facility to teach various art mediums and invite other artists to get involved, as well.

Here in Colorado Springs, Auric Gallery currently has nine of Johnson’s paintings listed on its website. The gallery recently featured Johnson’s new paintings in the show titled “Serenity.”

Facebook + Instagram: @KevJArt