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Happy 2024 New Year


Article by Nicolas Perez

Photography by Nicolas Perez

Lets start 2024 with a mindset of possibilities, positivity and productivity. Set a goal for your self with steps to reach that goal. Could be very small like de-cluttering your house or huge like changing careers-finding something that makes you happy. Maybe in between like setting a money savings goal to reach by end of the year.

The following has really helped me in the past to keep those goals the focal point of your day.

  • Make a list of your top three 2024 goals. Even better, stick images of your goals where you will see them daily. (e.g., your fridge, the back of your front door, your bathroom mirror)
  • Every morning, ask yourself what you will do today to get closer to your top three goals. (Your answer will guide you in making choices that support achieving your goals, to saying “Yes” to the right things and “No” to the wrong things.)
  • Every evening, ask yourself if you have kept your promises to yourself. (Did you walk 10,000 steps? Did you bring your lunch to work? Did you read 15 – 20 pages of the book you are reading this month?)

Let's get out there and make 2024 a fantastic year that you can look back at and smile knowing you conquered that goal to make you a better you!

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