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How to Achieve Mental Fortitude


Article by Colin Zhu, DO

Photography by Unsplash

Mental Fortitude.

What do you think of when you hear those words? Gates, fences, borders, walls, things that are impenetrable.

Emotional resilience comes to my mind, but why is this important? In a way, it is a test of how we go about our day to day. It is a measure of how we deal with our internal and our external world. I would argue our internal environment is essential to fortify more because of how we look, perceive, and interact with our external world. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world.

So how do we do this? How do we strengthen our own minds where we do not break down or react so quickly to things outside of us?

Let's do some visualization. Imagine your mind as an ancient castle and fortress with a circular, high wall and a moat and the only way to enter into your mind is this drawbridge with guards standing at the front. So, anything that is presented in the front represents people, events, information in our real lives. It does not matter if it is positive or negative in nature. In order for that drawbridge to come down and for things to enter, you must question them and then allow for it to enter.

You must choose.

So, the vital questions become whether if what is presented in front of me will add to my life or will it take away from my life? This question will apply to emotional, physical, and literal currency because places, events, people's opinions and any other outside information can either add to your life or drain you.

Make sense? So, which one would you prefer? If it does not add to your life, why let it in? Stand guard at the gate of your mind and nourish it properly with the right food. Plants need the right water, sun, and nutrients. What are you nourishing your mind with? Not everything needs to come in. With time and practice, your mind will get fortified.

"As human beings we have the unique ability to choose how we will interpret and digest each event that takes place in our lives. We've all been blessed with the very precious gift of free will." - Debbie Ford

Listen to my recent Thrive Bites podcast interview talking about Mental Fortitude with these TaeKwonDo coaches.

Want to learn more? Read more about how to enhance emotional resilience in my book Thrive Medicine

Cover photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash