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Eden Prairie Run Club

Friendship. Exercise. Beer. The trinity of health and happiness. They’re normally enjoyed only one at a time – or in pairs, as in the cases of group fitness classes, fishing trips, and running from campus police. You get precious few opportunities to enjoy all three together. Eden Prairie Run Club is one of them.

Picture this. It’s a warm, bright blue summer day. You pull up to Fat Pants Brewing Co., get out and stretch your hammies, and then saunter over to your fellow running enthusiasts. Once the party has assembled, you’re off together on a 5K around heavenly Purgatory Creek: a perfect place to clear your head, feel one with nature, and see funny squirrels.

After you’ve achieved your cardio goal for the day, guess where you wind up? Right back at Fat Pants, which isn’t just fortuitous because it’s where you left your car. It’s also where you can drink beer so delicious it defies logic or description. And if you don’t care for beer, you can have a refreshing hard slushy, hard seltzer, or Chicago beef sandwich instead.

Eden Prairie Run Club was founded in partnership between Fat Pants, HealthSource Chiropractic and Burn Boot Camp. “Augusta Berling, Dr. Katie Kearney-Bidwell and I have been excited about doing this for a really long time,” said Tina Hegna, owner of Burn Boot Camp’s locations in Eden Prairie, Maple Grove and Blaine. “Eden Prairie Run Club is all about bringing people together, inspiring them to be more active, and then bringing them even closer through the magic of conversing over patio cocktails.

“If Burn Boot Camp has taught me anything, it’s the benefits of exercising as part of a group. You get lots of encouragement to keep going when you’re backed by a supportive community. You feel more accountable to work toward your fitness goals as well. And when people are around to appreciate whenever someone reaches a milestone, the motivation spreads like wildfire.

“I speak from my own personal experience. Group exercise has helped me achieve greater results than I ever could have hoped to on my own. Since starting at Burn Boot Camp, I’ve felt more pride, confidence and comfort in my own skin than ever before. Eden Prairie Run Club is just another way to share a real life changer!”

Eden Prairie Run Club is still in its conception at the time of writing. The first meet will be on May 2nd. The weekly fee, which will be around $5 per person, will cover the cost of admission plus a very important glass of something once the jaunt has ended. Check the events page on to see when the next session takes place.

Become a Sponsor

Are you looking for a great way to engage with the community? Sponsor Eden Prairie Run Club! Your representative will serve as honorary captain for a session and share whichever message of health and wellness your own business uniquely offers. Sponsoring community events is the second most effective marketing strategy (just after purchasing magazine advertisements). Contact Tina at to learn more!

Make Friends. Get Fit. Drink Beer.

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