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7 Healthy Grilling Tips

Choose Lean Meats, Fruits and Veggies For Father's Day Barbecues

Article by Edna Cox Rice, CEO, Carolina Nutrition Consultants, LLC

Originally published in Lake Murray Lifestyle

Grilling can be a wonderful way to enjoy a variety of healthy foods all summer long, but stick with these tips to keep it nutritious:

  1. Flavor without added salt.
    Marinate or add herb/spice blends to meats to add incredible flavor, with the bonus of using less salt. All that's needed is ½ cup of marinade or 1 tablespoon of spice rub for each pound of food. 
  2. Try fruit on the grill for a sweet treat. 
    Hard fruits, such as apples, pineapples, and peaches, do really well on grills. The natural sugars caramelize in the high grilling heat – giving fruit an even sweeter taste than usual. Fruit does better at the end of grilling sessions when coals are starting to die down. Cut fruit into uniform pieces or make a kabob, sprinkle with cinnamon, and place for a few minutes on the outer edges of the rack. 
  3. Use healthier oils in place of butter. 
    Brush meats and veggies with olive, canola or avocado oil. Healthy fats keep people satisfied, making it less likely to reach for seconds. 
  4. Keep it simple and let the grilled flavor shine.
    No need to add extra sugary or creamy sauces to dishes. By limiting excess high-sugar, high-sodium sauces, it will slash calories and fat all in one, without sacrificing taste. 
  5. Try whole grain buns. 
    Switching to 100% whole wheat buns adds extra fiber, delicious texture and vitamins. Need to watch the intake of carbs or calories? Try a lettuce wrap burger or an open faced sandwich. 
  6. Stick to the right portions. 
    The size of protein should ideally be about the size of your palm, or 3 to 4 ounces. Fill one-fourth of plate with grilled protein then fill half plate with non-starchy vegetables. The remaining fourth of the plate should be starch or grains, such as a sweet potato or brown rice. 
  7. Don’t forget veggies. 
    Make colorful vegetables the highlight of your feast – the darker the color, the more nutrients! Try eggplant, zucchini, onion, bell peppers, squash, mushrooms, asparagus, corn on the cob, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Simply wash and chop up vegetables, brush with olive oil, sprinkle on some herbs and spices, and fire it up. Aim to fill half of each plate with non-starchy vegetables.