Make the most of the last days of Summer with your kids before you send them back to school. Below is a list of activities that could be on everyone's bucket list. These suggestions are listed for you to enjoy with your kids. Most activities need supervision so be safe and don't leave them alone to have all the fun!
- Making popsicles is a way to keep your kids hydrated, help them consume more water and juices and stay away from sodas during the heated days of summer.
- Go to the beach or lake park for a swim and while there play volleyball and build a sandcastle.
- Enjoy a family night out for dinner then go to the movies, a concert or to a play.
- Go outside at night and stargaze, catch lightning bugs while enjoying the cooler temperatures and even consider camping outside in your own backyard or on your porch. Don't forget the bug spray!
- Take a splash at a waterpark while they have a water fight or you can have a water fight anytime outside at home. Water balloons can add an additional splash and playing with the water from a sprinkler is always a treat and can provide relief from the summer heat for adults too.
- Stay inside during the heat of the day or during a stormy period and play board games, bake cookies, make a pizza, build a fort inside or make tie-dye shirts. This is also a great time to teach new housekeeping chores.
- Take a trip to a nearby farm and pick your own fruit and vegetables or visit a nearby fishing hole to teach your kids about being self sufficient.
- Explore a new nearby park or go check out what's new at the nearest amusement park and don't forget to ride the rollercoaster together while you're there.
- Sleep in late once in a while or have a sleepover with friends or family.
- Practice random acts of kindness to teach your kids how to think about others. Call friends and family you have not talked to in a while or write them a kind note.
- Visit a library and get reacquainted with books to establish a new relationship with print and notice how different the experience is compared to holding a tablet.