Ah, who doesn't love flowers? There is something so special about seeing wildflowers growing in their own element, just choosing to be there for themselves with no job or agenda. Wildflowers are also great for our environment and help keep bees alive!
If you wish you could travel to the English countryside and take in the beauty of the flowers all around you, here are some guides to different types of wildflowers with gorgeous photos that will help you feel like you're there.
A Simple Guide to the Wildflowers of Britain
"British flora is modest by international standards, but full of pleasures for those prepared to look closer. Woodland flowers come early in the spring, before the canopy closes overhead, then the lanes and verges are full of creamy beauty. The foreshore and saltmarsh are always special places for rarities and the crumbling stonework of ancient walls is often festooned with minor treasures, readily presented to the observant eye. Wetlands and watercourses are home to a rich variety of flowers that float on the surface or sit on tufts, defying the close approach. In late summer, the heaths and moors are chequered with visual interest and scent on the breeze."
—Country Life UK
20 British Native Wildflowers to Grow
"All of the flowers we’ve chosen are popular plants for bees and butterflies, so by growing them you’ll contribute to an increase in biodiversity in your garden. Most wildflowers thrive in nutrient-poor soils similar to meadows, although some, such as ragged robin, cuckoo flower and snake’s head fritillary, thrive in damp soils and are best planted in a bog garden or around the edge of your pond. Always check the natural environment of the wildflowers before planting."
—Gardeners' World
Top 10 British Native Wildflowers
"The delicate charm of so many British wildflowers belies the fact that they are mostly trouble-free."
—The Royal Horticultural Society
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