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Express Yourself!

The Importance of Style and Fashion for children and teens

Style is very personal and can reflect who you are and how you want others to understand you. Fashion can contribute to creating your own unique style as you try on different additions to your personality.

This is important to children and teens as they create who they want to be and how they want to be seen. It is also fundamental to being able to either position oneself as totally unique or find a way to fit into a group and belong.

How can parents be open to how style helps their children be creative and have freedom of expression?

To begin with, it is helpful to understand that part of child development is creating one’s own style, influenced by environment, culture, and social group. It is important to take a step aside and let your children make choices whenever possible. This shows them that you have confidence in their choices. Of course, you must weigh this with what is socially appropriate. 

If your child’s school has uniforms, cool backpacks and accessories can be avenues for showing personality and creativity. Some schools, such as mine, have a dress code allowing for freedom within specific parameters. 

I recall many pictures of myself when I was a young teen that made me gasp and ask my mother, “How could you let me go out looking like that?” She told me I would find ways after leaving the house to apply heavy eye makeup and even change clothes! At the time, I thought I looked appropriate and that she was too old-fashioned to understand. 

I am sure everyone reading this can recall altercations with their parents over clothing.

It can be challenging to find a happy medium. It is helpful to talk to your child about your experiences and reflections on when you were in their shoes, albeit at a different generational time. And if you have any old pictures of yourself, a picture is worth a thousand words.

According to Yves Saint Laurent, “Fashion fades, style is eternal.”

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