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Make a Gratitude List for Thanksgiving


Article by Meghan Lucas Butcher

Photography by Meghan Lucas Butcher

2020 was hardly the year of good fortune for most people. We were putting up Christmas lights in March to bring back some joy to the sad situation. Now that it is getting close to Christmas again, people seem all too happy to jump right to Christmas and simply go through the motions of Thanksgiving. I can hardly blame them, this year has been tough and Christmas by definition brings joy. I for one, do not like to skip major holidays. I believe that Thanksgiving is still important and needs to be recognized, even in the most chaotic years. I challenged myself this year to come up with 30 things that I am thankful and grateful for. I challenge you to do the same.

  1. My husband and our marriage
  2. My sweet puppy, who greets me everyday with a smile
  3. Our home, that I continue to work and thrive from
  4. My family and their endless support for me
  5. Me and my families' health, that's a big one this year
  6. The Dirty Blonde Stylist and her continued growth
  7. All of my Brides and clients this year who have had faith in me
  8. Classic country tunes that lift me from a funk or a rut in my day
  9. The power of kindness
  10. Having the abilities to run my business from the comfort of our home
  11. Lush face masks, they have saved my skin from mask acne
  12. All of the appliances in our house that work
  13. All the items in my closet that sparkle, they always make me smile
  14. My faith in God
  15. The ability to see the positive before the negative
  16. My clients face when they see their wedding reception or their general happiness for what I have helped create
  17. The love that my husband and I share
  18. The strength and spirit I feel from my angel father
  19. The relationship I have with my sister
  20. My ride for die friends who have been with me for so long
  21. The adventure I have still managed to find this year without much travel
  22. Compliments from strangers that lift your spirit
  23. My creativity that helps me organize, restructure and move forward
  24. My phone that lets me work and keep in touch anywhere
  25. All the fabulous shoes I have that give me such confidence
  26. The gift of time and time together brought to us by the pandemic
  27. Audio books, my 2020 obsession
  28. All the negativity that I am able to let go
  29. How easy it is to bring our family together
  30. The delicious food that we share on Thanksgiving day

I challenged you to look into your life and find at least 30 things to be thankful for this year. While there have been many disappointments, let downs and losses in 2020, don't ever forget the good things. No matter how small, hope lives inside each of them.

Happy Thanksgiving!