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Featured Article

Family Fitness Fun for Summer

Use Local Park Grounds to Get Healthy Together

Article by Jeremy Ponds, MS, RDN, LD

Photography by Aaron Russell, F-8 Photography

Originally published in Lake Murray Lifestyle

Most families want to enjoy as much sunshine and fun as possible before August. But if you’re like our family, summer is too short! Maximizing time by making exercise a family activity can help families have fun and grow healthier all at once. Playgrounds are one of our favorite spots. Try the following exercises that the whole family can enjoy together.


Monkey Bars: Start slow to develop coordination and hand strength.

Bench Jumps: Make sure you can jump to the bench height, engage your core and use a spotter for balance.

Pull-Ups: If you can’t quite do your body weight, us a partner to hold your legs.

Tricep Bench Dips: Vary your foot positions and bench height to reduce or increase intensity.

Baby-on-Board Lunges: Tighten your core and glutes and use a wide stance to maintain balance.

Balance Beam: Use surfaces close to the ground so kids (and adults) can practice without injury.

Bench Push-Ups: Start with bench push-ups if you aren’t yet ready for full-body push-ups.

Sliding Board Push-Ups: For a challenge, try a decline push-up with your feet on the bench!

Rock Climbing: If you can’t find a rock wall, improvise with the side of a gym set or monkey bars.

Sprints: Make it a race and see who wins!

Make sure to include everyone in workouts. For a harder workout, add a child to your back.

Exercising helps families bond, get fit, create healthy habits, reduce stress, have fun and improve everyone's health. So get out there, enjoy family and be healthy!

"Research shows exercising during adolescent and teen years leads to longer, healthier lives."

—Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers and Prevention