Cilantro Garlic Roasted Hare with Root Vegetables with Root Vegetables
- Rabbit leg and quarters
- 4 rounded Tbsp seasoned flour (Mix 5-6 Tbsp flour with 1 tsp each of kosher salt, ground pepper, smoked paprika)
- 6 rainbow carrots, not peeled, halved lengthwise
- 1 lb brussels sprouts, leave whole, cut ends off bottom
- 1 orange beet, cut into quarters, do not peel
- 1 cup celery, chopped
- 10 small/medium new potatoes, halved (can use a mix of colors)
- 2 shallots, peeled, cut into thin wedges
- 4 sprigs rosemary
- 2 bunches cilantro, washed and dried
- 10 cloves garlic, peeled
- 5 cups vegetable oil
For cilantro garlic oil, add garlic, cilantro (including stems) and oil to a food processor. Blend completely.
Set oven to 400°F. Spread veggies out in one layer in a roasting tray or sheet pan. Drizzle with 4 tablespoons cilantro garlic oil and coat well. Make sure all of the vegetables are coated (but do not over-oil them). Season with kosher salt and ground black pepper.
Coat rabbit in seasoned flour, add 2 tablespoons of oil to a pan, and sauté rabbit in the pan over medium heat, adding thickest joints to pan first. Brown one side three minutes, turn and brown other side one minute, then remove from pan. Add smaller joints and brown. Rest on paper towels.
Place rabbit portions on top of vegetables and drizzle with more cilantro oil. Roast for 25 minutes. After the first 25 minutes, remove the rabbit and stir the vegetables. Place the rabbit back onto the vegetables and roast another 20 minutes. Finally, add rosemary sprigs on top of vegetables and rabbit and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes, until the rabbit and vegetables are tender. Please note that times will vary depending on the size of the vegetables and the rabbit. You can add a bit more oil to the skin of the rabbit after removing from oven if you would like a bit more flavor.
Our fresh rabbit came from The New York Butcher Shoppe in Surrey Center, where they will prefabricate to your specifications.
Contact Chef Megan at 706-267-2876 or She offers catering, meals for the home, and more!