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A chanced meeting of the minds.  Leonard and my dad were friends and often would chat about me and what I was doing with my life.

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Father Figures

Looking back at all the Dads in my life!

With Father’s Day fast approaching I decided to take a few minutes to reflect on the many father figures who have given me their wisdom and invested in the potentiality of my life. I have had the distinct privilege of being a son to many incredible men who have taken pride in helping shape the person that I have become. These men all shared a desire to empower me with their life’s lessons, preparing me for all that life has to offer. 

Simeon Reid, my maternal great-grandfather, whose memories of World War I instilled in me the value of fighting for what is right and the importance of keeping peace at the forefront of my mind and soul.  

Hector Driscoll, my maternal grandfather, showed me how to grow food, maintain the richness of the land, and love unconditionally. His motto: use it, wear it out, make it work, or do without. He fostered the belief that I was very special and that I would do good in the world.  

James O’Keefe, my paternal grandfather, taught me the value of laughter and to cherish family.  

Two of the most instrumental men in my life were Leonard Grainger and Kevin O’Keefe, my dad.  

Leonard took me under his wing and was the greatest mentor a young man could have, changing my life entirely.

Kevin would end up being the man who would teach me the most about myself and how to truly be me in this world. He was a military man who challenged me, while celebrating the milestones of my life in his pragmatic way. He empowered me to stay real. His eternal lesson was simply to under promise and over deliver and ultimately to be true to myself.  

Each father figure took their time to impart in me the most important of life's lessons.

Whether using the wind to clean blueberries or to fish from the well, these lessons helped to shape me into the man that I have become.

I am flooded with memories of their teachings and they all continue to speak to me daily offering counsel, guidance, love, and encouragement. I hear their voices as if they were my own and I am a much better man having had all of them in my life.

I am forever grateful to all of the incredible father figures in my life who loved me as son, grandson, great-grandson, uncle, mentor, and coach. They all loved in their unique way. They wanted to help shape my life.  

Each of these incredible men reside in my heart, mind, and soul. My legacy is that of remembrance and strength. Their stories are mine and their memories will be a blessing to all whom I have the pleasure of calling a friend.

Happy Father’s Day!

Poppy Driscoll took the time to teach me all the tricks that I needed to survive in his world. Very few are still relevant in the world of today.