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Feeling Loved

Girl Scout Gold Award project gives students a loving welcome.

The Love Wall, created for Webb Bridge Middle School sixth graders to feel more connected and supported in their new school, is the Girl Scout Gold Award project of Alpharetta High School student Emma Williams. 

"I wanted to have a Girl Scout Gold Award project that helped new students feel more connected as they navigated a new school. I had spoken with many students and realized that transitioning to a new school is exciting, and at the same time, can also be a bit scary for some students," says Emma. "I also knew that I wanted to tie this project back to my Welsh heritage, making my project an International Gold Award."

The schools that she chose to participate in the Love Wall were Webb Bridge Middle School in Alpharetta and Berriew Primary School in Wales, UK. Emma's vision was for them to walk past their art creation and think "I did that, I was a part of creating that artwork!"

Emma hopes the overlapping hearts will be a symbol of connectedness and serve as a visual representation that everyone is in this together and that no one is alone. "It was very rewarding to work with the students on both sides of the Atlantic. Seeing their smiles and experiencing their enthusiasm for art was a wonderful feeling."

The Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn, acknowledges each recipient's power and dedication to not only bettering herself, but to making the world a better place for others.

"To me, being a Girl Scout is all about embodying the values of leadership and community service. The Love Wall helped me tap into my creative side. I have led art badges for younger Girl Scouts and I absolutely loved seeing the excitement on their faces when their drawings were coming together," says Emma.