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Financial Advantage

With the Right Local Advisor, Time Is on Your Side

Article by Bill Furbee

Photography by Matthew J Capps Business Image Services

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

“Financial planning is not a one-time project that you can complete, put on the shelf, and move on with your life,” says Vantage Financial co-owner and senior wealth advisor Andy Meyer. “It’s an ongoing puzzle—pieces can be added, changed, or removed.”

Thankfully, Vantage Financial enables its clients to manage that financial puzzle with confidence. What began as a family business more than three decades ago is now recognized as one of the fastest-growing Registered Investment Advisors in the Midwest.

Key to that growth has been a dedication to community support. “Community engagement isn’t just our responsibility,” Andy says. “It’s also one of our core values.” 

To that end, Vantage Financial is honored to support Camp Joy, the Little Miami River Chamber Alliance, Matthew 25: Ministries, the Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund, and Junior Achievement of Central Ohio. They also recognize high school athletes through their Vantage Student Athlete of the Month Scholarship program. Then in May, each Vantage office awards a $1,500 scholarship to one of those student athletes. 

On court or off, Vantage Financial understands that living our fullest lives can leave little time for keeping up with the ins and outs of finances.

“We get it,” Andy says. “Work benefits, taxes, investments, planning—it all requires time and attention. That’s where we come in, with services that allow our clients to spend more time doing what makes life important.” 

What’s Important Now
A comprehensive financial review is worthy of your time—you might recognize shortcomings or negative trends. Think of it as getting an annual physical, but for your money. Financial planning has many moving pieces, so figure out what needs your attention first.

Ask for Help
Hope is not a plan that increases your chances of success when looking to get your financial house in order. Financial resources all around you—leverage that fact, and find a partner that’s a good fit for your specific needs.

Know Your Blind Spots
We don’t know what we don’t know. Even if life and finances seem to be going well, we can still be surprised by unfortunate events and how they impact us. Risk comes with two equally important sides—too much and too little. Mistakes can be made when focusing on one versus the other.

Time Is an Asset
Vantage is committed to protecting your time and best interests by helping you navigate real-life questions and execute solutions through an ongoing, tailored advising relationship.

VFPlanning.com | 423 Wards Corner, Loveland | 513.239.2933

As a Registered Independent Advisor (RIA), Vantage Financial is founded on this same core principle and bound to the highest fiduciary standard to provide unbiased client-driven advice through a fee transparent, consistent comprehensive planning process. We’re not only investment advisors; we’re also fiduciary financial planners. We go beyond investment advice to advise on a number of topics that might be part of your family’s financial life. This includes retirement planning, estate planning, cash flow management, educational planning, tax strategies, insurance and risk management, business succession planning, and more.

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