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Featured Article

Finding Calm for Your Pets

Article by Pamela Katz, Certified CBD Consultant

Photography by YOUR CBD HAVEN, Inc.

Originally published in Roswell City Lifestyle

Meet the pets who have found relief and better health through CBD products at Your CBD Haven. 

Meet Jackson

When Julie Fisher first came into our store in June 2021, she was at her wit's end, exhausted and in tears. Her 80-pound rescue dog, Jackson, suffered from hip dysplasia and had recently started vomiting 20-30 times a night. She had taken Jackson to several veterinarians and specialists and after spending thousands of dollars on visits, multiple medications, and prescription foods, they had yet been able to diagnose the issue nor relieve his symptoms. I recommended that Julie try giving Jackson HEAL CBD oil by CBD Dog Health. It is a tincture made especially for dogs suffering from severe issues including autoimmune diseases, cancer, seizures, and Cushing disease. I stressed that CBD does not cure any diseases, but this particular tincture has been successful in helping to treat symptomsassociated with severe and chronic diseases. Perhaps it could help alleviate Jackson’s vomiting from his yet-undiagnosed condition. After providing a starting dosage recommendation (a full dropper, twice daily) and instructions for giving Jackson his tincture, Julie left, exhausted but hopeful.

Results:  Before long, Julie contacted us full of joy! Jackson’s condition was finally diagnosed as megaesophagus, a disorder in which the esophagus dilates and loses the ability to swallow and move food into the stomach. While treating the cause of his condition, the HEAL oil tincture was able to immediately relieve the pain caused by scar tissue created by blockages, and significantly reduced the vomiting. Plus, he actually LOVES the taste of his tincture and eagerly laps it up. But most importantly? A good night's sleep for both Jackson and Julie!

Today:  A year later, Jackson no longer aspirates or suffers from the symptoms caused by megaesophagus.    

Meet Maxwell  

Nadine Schwartz's dog Maxwell suffered from severe separation anxiety. The owner of her dog walking service, Fur Responders, recommended she try CBD to help little Max manage his anxiety. They advised, "We recommended that she give him a half dose of CBD (in his case, one small treat) about an hour before she left the house and before giving off departure signals. Then, once she started preparing to leave – which typically triggered his anxiety  - she could give him the other half."

Results:  After giving him the first half of his first CBD treat, Nadine noticed he was much calmer a half-hour later, when she started giving him departure signals. She decided to give him the other half, and by the time she left the house, she was able to leave Maxwell feeling calm and with far fewer issues.    

Today:  10 months later, Nadine gives Maxwell his treats before she leaves the house, which continues to calm anxiety in Maxwell, and provides a huge relief for Nadine!


When Andrea McCarley and her family rescued Riko, she was still a puppy.  They soon realized that Riko suffered from severe anxiety and fear when going to the vet's office. After discussing Riko’s anxiety, we recommended that Andrea try giving Riko CBD dog treats made with green apple and peanut butter. Riko loved the treats, but most importantly, they helped to chill her out when visiting the vet, the groomer, or when she faced any situation that had previously stressed her out.

Today:  At four years of age, Riko has since outgrown her fear of visits to the vet and no longer requires CBD!

Your CBD Haven 1570 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Suite 905, Roswell


  •  Maxwell Schwartz, furbaby  of Nadine Schwartz
  • Yogi Hartley
  • Yogi Hartley Pawdi-Gras
  •  RIKO McCarley - furbaby of Andrea
  • Maeve Selby, furbaby of Lauren  Selby