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Dr. Alex Gibberman and Dr. David Williams

Featured Article

First Look

Learn What Sets 20/20 Eyecare Apart

Article by Elizabeth A. Lowry

Photography by Elizabeth A. Lowry

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

When Dr. David Williams and Dr. Alex Gibberman set out to open up their own eye care practice, they did so with a clear vision—offer a full range of eye health services to anyone, of any age, and do it with a personalized experience. 

Even though they both started their careers working in corporate eye care settings, they were never completely convinced of the idea that big-box was the way to go. So when they opened their own private practice, they decided it had to be more community-centered.

“We wanted to bring personal experience to eye care,” Dr. Gibberman says. “With so much of the optometric industry going corporate, we felt there was a need and a place for a locally operated family practice. We both had talked about starting a practice together for the past six years, and oddly enough, this year the time was right.”

Local Love 

Dr. Gibberman is a Blue Ash native and went to Sycamore High School before attending Penn State University and then Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia. He worked in private practice for six years before starting 20/20 Eyecare. Dr. Williams originally hails from Columbus and was introduced to the area while attending Miami University for his undergraduate studies (and eventually his master’s degree). After graduation from OSU’s College of Optometry, he moved to Cincinnati to begin practicing in a variety of settings.

Now, both doctors live (and work) in Loveland. Luckily for us, they chose our area as the perfect place to open their one-of-a-kind practice. “We’re invested in the success of the community, and we think our location is convenient and easy to get to no matter what part of town you are coming from,” Dr Gibberman explains. 

See the 20/20 Difference 

Drs. Gibberman and Williams stand out by staying small but also by specializing in difficult-to-fit contact lenses, called Scleral lenses. Dr. Williams explains that these are customizable, large contact lenses that vault over the clear cornea in the center of the eye and land on the white sclera on the outsides of the eye. Also, 20/20 Eyecare happens to be the only office in 100 miles with the mapping technology to fit these lenses.  

If you count yourself among the number of people who have had difficulty in the past with contacts fitting comfortably—due to irregularly shaped corneas or a high near-sighted prescription—these contacts could be the answer to your vision blues. “They create pristine vision that exceeds that of glasses or standard contact lenses alone ... they’re extremely comfortable. The technology we use lets us customize a contact to perfectly fit the eye,” notes Dr. Williams.

Whether fitting patients for Scleral lenses or conducting an eye exam, the doctors at 20/20 want you to know you can count on them for the long haul. “From the staff to the doctors ... to the optical and all the technology used, we want to create a modern, cutting-edge and comfortable experience,” Dr. Williams says. “We’re here to stay. We both have a passion for eye care—and plan on practicing in the community for a long time.”

Office Fan Fact: Dr. Gibberman is a die-hard Penn State fan while Dr. Williams is a die-hard Ohio State fan. They’ve been close friends for years, but they still struggle watching the annual football game together! 

5 Tips for Avoiding Screen Fatigue

Take breaks!

For every 20 minutes you spend looking at a screen, spend 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away.

Use artificial tears.

The average person blinks 10 times per minute. That same person will see their blink rate cut in half while concentrating on their computer or smartphone. It’s a good idea to use artificial tears as a supplement to your natural tear production.

Put the phone down before bed.

There is substantial evidence that increased screen time around bedtime interrupts our sleeping pattern.

Update your prescription.

While there is no evidence that staring at the screen all day damages the eyes, we do know that increased screen time exacerbates underlying eye conditions such as astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness, which can ultimately cause headaches.

Back away from the computer.

Increasing the distance from your computer will lessen the eye’s workload. | 9553 Fields Ertel Rd. | 513.428.2020

  • Dr. Alex Gibberman and Dr. David Williams
  • Dr. Alex Gibberman and Dr. David Williams
  • Dr. David Williams and Dr. Alex Gibberman

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