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Courtesy of Barrett Wilson Custom Homes

Featured Article

First Responder Spotlight: Meet Barrett Wilson

From Law Enforcement to Home Construction: A Unique Perspective on Building Homes and Enhancing Security

How has your background in Law Enforcement influenced your approach to building custom homes?

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home. I have personally seen how violated a person feels when their home is burglarized. I understand the unique difficulties Law Enforcement encounter today, especially in rural areas. Having experienced what works and what doesn't in home security, I can guide clients in selecting the right options for their home.

What unique skills or perspectives do you bring from your law enforcement experience to your work in the construction industry?

Throughout my Law Enforcement career, I have been exposed to high amounts of extremely stressful situations. Construction is a volatile job. My ability to stay calm and evaluate the situation in a rational manner has allowed me to think of and implement solutions to problems.

How do you ensure that the homes you build reflect the individual style and needs of your clients?

Every client and every home are different and propose a different set of parameters to work with. There are needs that I as a builder think of that most people don’t realize are even there. On most projects, we will work with a Professional Interior Designer to help ensure the project ties together and captures the goal properly.

Barrett Wilson Custom Homes can design stylish features for your custom home build in the West Austin area. Learn more at

  • Courtesy of Barrett Wilson Custom Homes

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