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First Response Dumpsters Gives Back

Former Fireman and Race Car Driver Fills a New Community Need

As the breeze gets warmer, March comes with a tantalizing hint of spring. On those days when the sun finally has some warmth back, we open the windows to start banishing months of dust. As exciting as it is, spring cleaning can bring its own hurdles. Sometimes, our dust is a bit less metaphoric and comes in the shape of clutter, chaos and general detritus. We need to call in the calvary.

Dustin Courter, owner of First Response Dumpsters, started his business after 17 years as a fireman, bringing with him the core values of “service excellence, environment, people and stewardship.” Despite exchanging a firetruck for a garbage truck, he sees the gap his new service fills in providing residential dumpsters. “It’s a job that is needed, and it’s something that I’ve been able to learn a lot from. I get to meet a lot of people, and it lets me build relationships in this community, and that’s something I value.”

First Response Dumpsters also provides emergency services helping to clear traffic accidents. This is familiar territory for a former fireman. “I was the one that they would call on the worst day of their lives.” Rushing into burning buildings is not his only adventure. Before fire service, he traveled all over the US and Canada with his dad racing cars. Dustin misses these chapters, but asserts, “There’s always something next.”

With First Response Dumpsters, he has a new way to give back. He wants his community to know, “Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need something. It doesn’t always have to be about the money. It’s a good community, Parker is. There’s a lot of good communities, but I’m familiar with this one, so it’s just helping family out, if you will.”