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Fitness and Family

Amanda Steckman has a big family here in Roswell. 

Oh, they aren't related, but they bring the joy and support that family promises. She is the owner of Steckman Pilates and Wellness. "I don’t have family in Georgia, but my clients have become my family here," she says. "And, there’s an amazing group of instructors at the studio. We’re a small but tight family." We sat down with Amanda to ask more about her life, lifestyle and pilates family. 

Roswell City Lifestyle: Pilates increases core strength, stability and joint mobility. It’s low stress on the body making it great for recovery, relieve aches and pains, and being active without the risk of overtraining. Tell us about your clients - what are their fitness goals?

Amanda Steckman: We have clients of all ages. There are daughters that will come with their mothers. Pilates is a fun activity for them to do together and helps at a younger age (teens) to create the habit of being active and exercising. It helps them to create body awareness or how to move with correct biomechanics, good posture, strength, and good flexibility. 

Men tend to need more stretching and the equipment will help assist. They also find Pilates helps with their weightlifting, golf, tennis, skiing, and other sports.  

There’s a good group of people retired, so getting a little older but still very active. Pilates isn’t as stressful and hard on the body and easier on the joints, it builds strength, helps relieve aches and pains, and achieves a good stretch. 

There are other clients who come to us after physical therapy to continue to build strength and especially to relieve back pain. Some will come after having a baby to build up their core strength and tighten their waistline. Several clients say that Pilates has made their legs look sexy and put them overall in the best shape of their lives! 

RCL: Over the years you have helped clients of all ages and goals creating customized programs, challenging, motivating, and guiding clients along the way. You are a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. What are your personal fitness and wellness goals for this year?  

AS: Like most people, I’m quite busy and starting a new business in the last year, my schedule has gotten even busier. So, for this year find a better balance of working so my business succeeds and giving myself time and space. I would like do Pilates 2-3 times per week and lift weights about twice a week. I also enjoy taking my dog King Arthur on long walks. I'll be doing more meal planning this year too. Also, mindset and mental health can play a big part in how I take on the day.

RCL: Tell us about your supporting cast of characters.

AS: Sarah Hailey was recently voted Best Pilates Instructor of North Atlanta! This award is well deserved. She is great at breaking down and explaining the exercises, creating modifications for those that need it, and creates an inviting community feel. Leanne Lapp is super sweet and likes to give you a challenge!  Carolyn Giresi has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years and in 2021 got Balance Body certified. She’s a gentle soul and likes working with silver sneakers but don’t let that fool you, she’s tough! Lisa Parke has been practicing Pilates for over 10 years and enjoys helping clients achieve physical fitness through movement. She loves to dance and has an interior design business. 

Yes, Pilates, exercise, nutrition coaching, and learning healthy wellbeing have brought us together, but the relationships we build are more than just client and fitness professional. That’s an advantage to offering smaller more intimate classes and private sessions, we’re building a community and family. 


Rapid Transformational Therapy certification provided insight to change how I talk to myself. I realized I needed to stop being so critical of myself and to start using words and visualizations I want to be true.  I just want to continue to build myself up with self-hypnosis as well as use thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and actions to create the life I want to live.