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Add Some Style to Your Smile

Glowing accolades for the surgeons at Dry Creek Oral Surgery who are making a difference

Have you ever felt a click or a pop in your mouth as you chew your food? Do you have pain in your jaw from grinding your teeth at night? These are symptoms that oral surgeons have solutions for. If you feel self-conscious about your smile due to an overbite or underbite, or if you experience so much pain that you have trouble chewing your food, Dry Creek Oral Surgery has a plan for you.

“It’s about making a difference in people’s lives,” Ray Lawson, Dry Creek Oral Surgery’s practice manager, says. "We want to treat all our patients with respect and welcome them in, to let them know they feel valued as an individual and show that they are going to get the best treatment in the world—our very best effort at all times.”

Oral surgery involves anything from your head down to your neck, skeletally speaking. This involves treatment relating to mouth, teeth and facial regions. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Dr. Julia Plevnia, Dr. Jeremy Jannuzi, and Dr. Daniel Escalante have expertise in corrective jaw surgery, wisdom tooth removal and oral pathology.

In business for 23 years, “a vast majority of what we see is tooth extractions. More often than not, it’s wisdom teeth for teenagers, or single tooth extractions for young adults,” Ray shares. “If the general dentist or root canal won’t save it, the oral surgeon is the final option to remove the tooth that is causing pain.” They also perform dental implants.

The oral surgeons at Dry Creek Oral Surgery care deeply for their patients. “All three doctors are caring, detail-oriented and have big hearts for their patients,” Ray says.

Dr. Julia Plevnia lives in Parker. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan, and has gained outstanding accomplishments in her career through military and private practice experience. She is the Joint State Surgeon for the Colorado National Guard as well as the Colorado Army State Surgeon. In 2020, she was awarded the Order of Military Medical Merit. She is also one of the examiners for oral/facial surgeons pursuing their board certification.

Dr. Daniel Escalante also has an accolade of experience through military and private practice. Ray describes him as the “tech guy” on the team of surgeons. He is passionate about top-of-the-line approaches to patient care through new technology. He’s the reason for their 3-D printer they use for surgical guides and teeth impressions. This makes their procedures less intrusive and more precise.

Dr. Jeremy Jannuzzi has been with the practice the longest. Ray describes him as intelligent and an expert in what he does. He’s one of the surgeons who is licensed to do anesthesia inspections for other oral surgeons in Colorado. Along with Dr. Plevnia, he is involved in medical record reviews and is an expert witness for law firms in providing second opinions.

“He has eyes for excellence,” Ray applauds. “He is super intelligent and involved in his church and community.” Dr. Jannuzzi is passionate about his work and people.

All three surgeons are experts and have an entourage of accomplishments to back up their passion to make a difference. If you want to talk to a professional about an oral issue, Ray suggests you see your general dentist to speed up the process or visit to schedule a consultation directly with their team.

“All three doctors are caring, detail-oriented and have big hearts for their patients,” Ray says.